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  1. Zacuto + other magnifying type viewers and LCD burn
  2. 5D II (Or 7D for that matter) on Merlin?
  3. New Magic Lantern intro video
  4. iDC Follow Focus
  5. Aaargh! Please help with a buying decision.
  6. Can the 5DM2 really cut it?
  7. I have a question on my lens vignetting
  8. Timelapse Trials
  9. Quick helt - settings for video
  10. iphone director's viewfinder app now supports 5DmkII and 7D!
  11. Anyone here go to the FPS event in Brooklyn last night?
  12. Fusion
  13. Sudden White Flash during playback
  14. Blur aliasing with mask in post?
  15. Camcorder for wide angle shots ?
  16. Fader ND Question
  17. Tamron 28-75 / 2.8
  18. HD easily compressed for regular DVD players?
  19. stuttering or aliasing on hard edges
  20. UK members check this out!
  21. Corrupt Files... Any solution?
  22. 5D MkII: Life after conversion, what to do?
  23. URGENT! Need a Z-Finder fast!!!
  24. Making The Switch Lots Of Q's
  25. Gearnex makes for smooth moves
  26. Using the 5D Mark II with HD-SDI Field Monitor
  27. Shooting interviews for PAL DVD
  28. Error reading QT files.
  29. Is there any decent way to down-covert 5D2 footage to 16 x 9 SD for CS4
  30. Best way to convert footage for DVD?
  31. I need help editing video from 5D MkII in Adobe Premiere Pro CS4
  32. Eos 5d mark 2 problem?
  33. What would we like Canon to do with the firmware?
  34. DvSLRs and RED Scarlet
  35. 5D Clips for DVD
  36. Pocket Dolly and magic lantern with 5DMKII
  37. Spank the poop out of color & contrast…
  38. A Few Audio Questions From a Newbie
  39. What have I done in Premiere to make my render opacity different then my project?
  40. Wheres the 5D (intercutting with Sony950 and film)?
  41. Does Magic Lantern firmware do anything to the Still capabilities of the 5Dmk2?
  42. two camera live music shoot
  43. A shot in the dark - table of illumination
  44. Mpeg Steamclip for PC
  45. Is it just me that prefers to use 1/30 shutter when possible?
  46. eyespy deluxe, 5D and tripod. Anyone using this combo?
  47. Canon mid-priced prime lenses
  48. Storage- How Are You Handling 5D files
  49. The most pimped out 5DmkII you will EVER see
  50. Low Light comparison - which is best?