View Full Version : Panasonic AVCCAM Camcorders

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  1. My first outing with the HMC-40
  2. AVCHD and Premiere CS4 (Mac)
  3. Starting out with HMC150, need workflow/NLE advice please!
  4. What software for edits and blu ray.
  5. Wanted - Cameraman in London with Panasonic HMC151 for work
  6. Shooting Hockey - Scene settings?
  7. Jag35 & hmc150
  8. HMC 40/41: questions to owners
  9. HMC40-Not recording short clips?
  10. "B" camera for an AG-HMC150?
  11. Is this real?
  12. HMC-150 and filming bright lights:
  13. 40 vs 150? Impasse
  14. Operation time query - HMC151/0??
  15. HMC150 car battery charger
  16. HMC40 - Any First Impressions?
  17. Thinking of the HMC-150
  18. Shoulder mounts
  19. Flip it?
  20. HMC70 auto audio level
  21. Final Cut Express or Final Cut Pro? For my own movies (HMC150?)
  22. HMC70 - Filming at night
  23. Spare HMC batteries
  24. Display CLIP# on OSD ?
  25. Sennheiser we 100 G3 and HMC-150
  26. AG-HMC150 LCD malfunction
  27. Panasonic HMC41 on Vimeo
  28. HMC150 or HM40 + nanoFlash?
  29. Hwo do I clean the heads on my HMC150?
  30. Macro/Close up with HMC 150
  31. Best editing solution?
  32. Ext TC Link setting?
  33. Are the HMC150 and HVX200 fairly similar?
  34. First Outdoor Wedding with HMC150s
  35. Blimp on HMC-150?
  36. 150 Users - Anyone entering metadata?
  37. A problem wih SC Card reader?
  38. Ideas for the next generation HMC150
  39. HMC150: Where should the black level be, 7.5 or 0?
  40. A strange noise from my HMC-70
  41. Less expensive 2nd camera for HMC-150?
  42. Zoom noise in video
  43. HMC 150 and 30P
  44. Must the frame be filled to white balance correctly?
  45. HMC 150 vs XH A1
  46. New Final Cut Studio
  47. Is the HMC-40 a good B cam for the HMC-150?
  48. Panasonic Announces Dramatically Lower Pricing on AG-HMC40
  49. Newb Using Pan HDC-HS300 and Vegas
  50. Lighting Tests with HMC150