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  1. Any tips for filming in Moldova, Kenya, and Zambia??
  2. Video store in Washington DC/Arlington?
  3. Air plane travel and equipment
  4. Any recs for a rental house in Munich?
  5. What do I have to do to shoot in Germany (US citizen)
  6. NYC visit.
  7. African Congo Trip
  8. How to travel from New York to Canon's Service Center in Jamesburg, NJ?
  9. Any decent camera shops in Las Vegas NV?
  10. Relocating and keeping editing clients
  11. 9 days in the field: Kudos to Sony, Dolgin, Thinktank, Swit, Spudz & Sennheiser
  12. Any Monopod issues with airport security?
  13. Studio layout: advice required
  14. Wedding Videography Studio at home office?
  15. German Repair Centers?
  16. Camera Store - LAS VEGAS
  17. Peru customs
  18. Clearing customs and the EX1/R
  19. Air Travel, CCD, Dead Pixel prevention
  20. Travel storage idea - using portable HD and local computers?
  21. Thailand / Burma Border
  22. Filming in Mostar, Bosnia - tips?
  23. LiOn battery transport problems...
  24. East Coast Green Screen Studio Needed
  25. Tape Transfer Service Auckland NZ
  26. Building a Studio
  27. Argentina!
  28. New York & Miami Safety
  29. How to insure/secure your gear when traveling..?
  30. Anyone Shot In Rwanda?
  31. What do you store your Audio or Camera gear in?
  32. Major Echo Problem, $6000 Available to Fix it
  33. Sound Treatment for New Studio
  34. Rental company in New Delhi - India
  35. Upcoming project in London, England. Advice?
  36. Singapore - shop to buy Canon batteries for XHA1s?
  37. Building A Studio, Suggestions Needed
  38. NEW House
  39. Portable, protective external hard drives - lacie rugged etc?
  40. Most affordable way for a film crew to travel
  41. Las Vegas Rental Reccomendation
  42. Euro flicker
  43. Which gear for a sailing expedition?
  44. Do you keep your tapes in a fire proof Box?
  45. Locked (non_TSA) checked luggage that works.
  46. Baggage fee chart by airline
  47. New Zealand - filming in public places
  48. 220 to 110 volts
  49. New TSB Ruling regarding Airline Flights
  50. Looking for a way to organize growing video library?