View Full Version : Sony XDCAM EX Pro Handhelds

  1. EX3 Component Out
  2. "White Night" Music Video.
  3. EX1 remote not working -please help
  4. EX-3/ Premiere Pro 1.5 Legacy SD Editing
  5. Using an EX1 in high temperatures
  6. Macbook as a monitor for EX1
  7. Decomposition of Sony MXF with AES Audio
  8. Hoodman Wrist Shot camcorder support system with EX1
  9. sennheiser 122 with EX1 help
  10. EX3 Auto Power Off?
  11. Mastering EX Picture Profiles DVD idea
  12. Public Enemies
  13. Question on a mishap, today.
  14. HoodLoupe 3.0 availability for EX1???
  15. Reliability of SD cards or thumb/flash USB drives as deliverables
  16. Chronicles of Summer - Part 2
  17. EX3 Pros and Cons
  18. focus gear ring for EX1/microfollowfocus
  19. transferring additional clips from same card
  20. Cracking Handle
  21. Getting to Blu-ray with 1080P25 footage??
  22. Not so El Cheapo
  23. Time Lapse Plus EX Slow Shutter
  24. Canon 5D video to XDcam EX
  25. EX3 overcranked footage render issue
  26. Color test 486/EX1
  27. SanDisk Debuts ‘Fastest’ 32GB SDHC Card
  28. My evolving EX3 Setup
  29. PL-U95 - Has anybody tried this battery?
  30. Attaching Sennheiser EK 3041 to EX3
  31. EX1 LCD set?
  32. Increasing the EX3 viewfinder image size for Nikon lenses
  33. convert XDCAm Ex to DVCPro HD
  34. ex-3 underscan
  35. EX3 baseplate / bar support
  36. Small B roll camera that does NTSC and PAL?
  37. Cine gamma settings in the EX1
  38. Should I wait 1 more month to buy an EX1 ?
  39. Should I wait 1 more month ?
  40. Card reader for desktop Mac
  41. Wildlife clip - EX3, slow motion, Nikon lenses
  42. Low Cost HD playback device?
  43. slow motion flickering, 50/60 fps for PAL?
  44. Color Crawl?
  45. SxS Card Undelete/Data Recovery?
  46. Imported files darker than on live monitor.
  47. Macro switch has no effect
  48. progressive or interlaced for SD TVC broadcast
  49. EX3 Rental: Costly lesson
  50. Anyone test SDHC in new MBP SD slot