- EX3 Component Out
- "White Night" Music Video.
- EX1 remote not working -please help
- EX-3/ Premiere Pro 1.5 Legacy SD Editing
- Using an EX1 in high temperatures
- Macbook as a monitor for EX1
- Decomposition of Sony MXF with AES Audio
- Hoodman Wrist Shot camcorder support system with EX1
- sennheiser 122 with EX1 help
- EX3 Auto Power Off?
- Mastering EX Picture Profiles DVD idea
- Public Enemies
- Question on a mishap, today.
- HoodLoupe 3.0 availability for EX1???
- Reliability of SD cards or thumb/flash USB drives as deliverables
- Chronicles of Summer - Part 2
- EX3 Pros and Cons
- focus gear ring for EX1/microfollowfocus
- transferring additional clips from same card
- Cracking Handle
- Getting to Blu-ray with 1080P25 footage??
- Not so El Cheapo
- Time Lapse Plus EX Slow Shutter
- Canon 5D video to XDcam EX
- EX3 overcranked footage render issue
- Color test 486/EX1
- SanDisk Debuts ‘Fastest’ 32GB SDHC Card
- My evolving EX3 Setup
- PL-U95 - Has anybody tried this battery?
- Attaching Sennheiser EK 3041 to EX3
- EX1 LCD set?
- Increasing the EX3 viewfinder image size for Nikon lenses
- convert XDCAm Ex to DVCPro HD
- ex-3 underscan
- EX3 baseplate / bar support
- Small B roll camera that does NTSC and PAL?
- Cine gamma settings in the EX1
- Should I wait 1 more month to buy an EX1 ?
- Should I wait 1 more month ?
- Card reader for desktop Mac
- Wildlife clip - EX3, slow motion, Nikon lenses
- Low Cost HD playback device?
- slow motion flickering, 50/60 fps for PAL?
- Color Crawl?
- SxS Card Undelete/Data Recovery?
- Imported files darker than on live monitor.
- Macro switch has no effect
- progressive or interlaced for SD TVC broadcast
- EX3 Rental: Costly lesson
- Anyone test SDHC in new MBP SD slot