View Full Version : Sony XDCAM EX Pro Handhelds

  1. Best second camera for fast-moving sports?
  2. New Bios for EX3?
  3. VHS to EX1?
  4. Sony Propriatary power plug.
  5. Problem with strobe lights to ex1r???
  6. monitor outputs
  7. EX1r image stabilizer
  8. what do you want in next gen EX1?
  9. Green Screen Test - EX1 to Pro Res
  10. Big Sur Project
  11. First Time Dealing with Sony Customer Service...
  12. EX1 - EX3 Firmware updates coming end Feb.
  13. Firmware updates?
  14. Very noisy footage on black background
  15. mini-d monitor output
  16. Pmw-ex1r?
  17. Any Way To Salvage Corrupted Clips
  18. ? for ATP ProMax SDHC users
  19. 8 GB SxS Cards
  20. Another Media Error problem with MxR & Transcend 16GB SDHGC Class 6 combo
  21. PMW 350 remote focus control
  22. pmw350 in SD
  23. 1080p youtube test
  24. Back Focus Revisited, more weird questions.
  25. SxS vs SDHC simplified
  26. $400 Rebate on EX1-r
  27. I won't use a LCD screen for a viewfinder sooo. . Hoodman?.
  28. W/A lens service
  29. BPU60 Battery for ex1r question
  30. VCT-U14 Tripod wedge.
  31. Shoulder Mount for Ex1
  32. My Problem With My XDCAM - Help!
  33. EX1R with Azden shotgun mic??
  34. EU Sony users: anyone extended Silver Support?
  35. Premiere Pro CS4.2.1 and EX1
  36. Clip Browser Problem - Plays in Slo Mo Only
  37. EX1 Audio?
  38. what's better for post low chroma or high?
  39. Z1r "8" Zoom , ease on down the road
  40. Failed to Open File error message when importing EX clips from Clip Browser into Ediu
  41. More Transcend Nonsense
  42. Kodachrome , or not
  43. Adding Information To EX1 Clips ?
  44. Max Tripod Mount Weight
  45. Transfer Problem - Transcend 16GB to Sony Card Reader
  46. Just nasty chromatic aberration or???
  47. Query on using Clip Browser and XDCam Transfer.
  48. See the PMW350 at AbelCineTech LA this Tuesday
  49. Shooting PAL in worked
  50. EX1 gives "Cannot Proceed" message when adjusting switches