View Full Version : Sony XDCAM EX Pro Handhelds

  1. 2 EX3's & 1 EX1 + Genlock & TC
  2. Corrupted file, any way to fix?
  3. Help, file transfer freezes
  4. Eye-Fi 8GB Pro X2 SDHC Memory Card
  5. Eagles vs Rattlers: Varsity Basketball HD PMW 350K
  6. Can't capture from Sony EX1 -> MX02/Max(SDI In) @ 1080p@24
  7. SxS-1 G1A 32GB & 64GB Compatible with EX1/3
  8. EX1 with SDHC cards?
  9. PMW EX1R Concert Footage
  10. Please confirm EX1 / USB question
  11. 808 tv shoot
  12. effective way to sync an EX1r with a Z1?
  13. Sony EX-1 vs. Sony F3
  14. The Christmas Tree (short)
  15. Exposure Issue
  16. EX3 1/2" lens options
  17. Sony EX1 or AX2000: I make shots in the rainforest
  18. watching raw footage via HDMI to flatscreen
  19. ex1 beginner
  20. Putting together the gear for our Dance film
  21. Black levels jumping on EX-1
  22. sony ex1r slow shutter...too slow!!
  23. Gamma Curves - An explanation by Alister Chapman
  24. PMW-350 lens for sale?
  25. EX1R or Panny AF100?
  26. Marching the pmw 320 to the Ex-3. Ex-1R
  27. Hong Kong
  28. Hudson Dawn (New York Sunrise Timelapse)
  29. Picture profile question
  30. EX1R firmware upgrade had wrong file
  31. seeking creative advice for music vid shoot
  32. The Old Huntridge Theater - Las Vegas
  33. Sony MEAD SD01 ro stick with existing solutions?
  34. Las Vegas Citiscape in 1080p
  35. Storage of video clips
  36. PMW-350, problem inserting SxS card
  37. remote trigger for EX3
  38. SDXC 64 gig cards with Sony MEAD SD01??
  39. Join us for an evening of good value - Affordable HD Solutions Show
  40. Eagles vs Eagles::Varsity Basketball HD pmw 350k
  41. SMI file oddity
  42. New XDCAM Browser software
  43. Free SDHC Recovery Software
  44. EX1 Service centres in Oz?
  45. XDCAM EX Gamma Curves and Knee
  46. SLR Lens (Sigma 100-300mm) versus ENG Lens on EX3?
  47. Shutter switch on EX-1r
  48. EX1 shuts down or reboots by itself!
  49. ntfs to fat32
  50. 24p System question