- Need help with purchase.
- HV-30 Helmetcam
- protective filter for WD-43 lens
- accessory for charging camcorder overseas?
- Winter impressions in a nature preserve in south germany
- HV40 Replacement Still Buzzes
- HFS11 Questions - pink dot when filming sunset; custom dial sensitivity
- HD-Video Winterdreams
- Need Help with editing software
- HF 200 noob question on frame rates
- Canon ViXIA's focuses on background, NOT subject, when BG has a pattern. You noticed?
- 24p native?
- HV-30 White Balence
- Looking for a family camcorder..HG HF or HV?
- Priority Shutter Workarounds?
- Canon HV 40 Audio Drop...Help!
- Problem Monitoring HF11 via HDMI to Acer Monitor
- Seeking Advice on Another Camera NOT a HV40
- HV40 pulldown removal for FCP 6 help
- Question for folks shooting 24p w/HV20 or HV30
- HV30-settings
- Screen Grabs HV20
- Newbie who hates his 10 day old HD Canon, please help
- Canon USA Introduces New VIXIA Lineup
- HG10 footage slowed down glitches
- HV40 has Really Loud Buzzing from Tape Drive
- Chilled HV30
- Audio for gig tonite...how will Videomic do?
- Lens hood for HV30
- Lens shadow (while zooming in close)
- Old user, new camera
- Summer in Morocco
- How Long Till HFS10 Price Drop? Is it much better than the HF11?
- just got my hv40 today
- Newest BP-827 Fully Decoded Battery
- Canon hg21 standard def setup?
- Major issues with HV40 and Canon service...
- transfer video from HDD
- HG20 vs HF10? Main thing- Any Problems With HDD and can it be bypassed?
- Vixia HF21 File Change Glitch
- HF-S10/11/100 Full 1920 HD?
- transfer very slow
- Telephoto lens for HV40?
- HF100 Footage Creating Log and Transfer Glitch in FCP 7
- Great sale on HF10 refurb
- HF20 - Cannot change video size?!
- Problem on Sony Vegas Pro 9.0c
- HV40 with and M2
- Problem with HDV playback
- Jag35ST