View Full Version : Canon VIXIA Series AVCHD and HDV Camcorders

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  1. Will post HV10 and HV20 side by side shot
  2. Has anyone tried the HV20 as an extreme sports cam yet?
  3. Upgrade your HV20 to HD-SDI output for less than $500
  4. Larry's HV20 clip--raw and then pure 24p
  5. HV20 as deck for XHA1
  6. Replace GL1 with HV20?
  7. PQ at a Semi-Well Lit Night Baseball Game
  8. HV20 1440x1080 or 1920x1080?
  9. Returning HV20 after 1 hour
  10. Tough Decisions...
  11. UK HV20 or Import
  12. HV20 UK Price
  13. Exporting HV10 Footage from FCP?
  14. HV 20 - Some first findings
  15. Just got the HV-20 this Afternoon
  16. does the HV20 have a built-in lens cap?(like the Sony HC7)
  17. HV20 Impressions -- HDMI etc.
  18. What polarfilter for HV10/HV20?
  19. Lanc-type controllers?
  20. Top accessories for HV20
  21. Canon HV20 + Sony HVR-DR60
  22. HV20 or JVC GZ-HD7, which has better 1080i picture quality? (low-light and outdoor)
  23. Backpacking with a HV10
  24. hv20 footage
  25. B&H has shipped my HV20 ...
  26. HV20 - DSE, I am dying to know...
  27. Recorded a concert with HV10 - horrible audio results
  28. Record Analog SD signal to minidv with HV10
  29. Japanese websites about the HV20:
  30. Having problems capturing from HV10 on FCP5.14 lately
  31. At what F stop is the HV10 sharpest with...
  32. convert 16:9 HDV to 4:3 SD in camera for HV20?
  33. Will HV-20 play 24f from XH-A1?
  34. HV10/20 footage on par with 3ccd when going to SD?
  35. Lousy Heros Paintball Video... Another HV10 masterpiece :o
  36. Best Tripod for these little cameras
  37. Hello, Apple, HV20
  38. Anyone know exactly when the HV20 will become available?
  39. Does the HV-10 tend to slightly overexpose?
  40. Microphone suggestions
  41. HV10 weaknesses
  42. HV-20 and format questions...
  43. Help! Canon HV-10 Problems
  44. HV10 overexposing question
  45. HV10 Sample Video - What a camera!!
  46. Canon HV20 review with pics. and movie footage
  47. deinterlacing method comparision (samples)
  48. HV20 vs HV10 vs JVC HD Everio
  49. can you lock the aperture?
  50. My first HV10 test.