View Full Version : Canon VIXIA Series AVCHD and HDV Camcorders

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  1. Canon HV20 or 20 vs Sony HDR-HC1
  2. 30P with HV30
  3. Canon HV 30 screen LCD dead
  4. Adding lens to HF100?
  5. HV30 Lens cover reliability? Two failures so far :(
  6. Accessories for HF100
  7. Canon HV30 Exposure Calibration
  8. HV 30 for B roll, run and gun, and formats
  9. Never use HV20 for onboard race car cam!
  10. Set Manual Focus w/ Raynox DCR-6600Pro?
  11. HV10 HELP (post production)
  12. Cannot Capture into FCP
  13. Tripod for the HV30
  14. Wavy video from HV10 & HV30
  15. HV30 newbie. lots of help needed.
  16. Saving edited footage back as .mts
  17. A Lots Of Questions - Vixia Hf-11, Final Cut...
  18. HV-30 v Sony SR-12
  19. Unexpected solution for HV20 HDV capture problem
  20. HV30 Package Needs
  21. How to best stream HV 30 from 300 feet away
  22. Best 24p processing for HV30?
  23. Comparison clips: 24p from Canon HG10, HF100
  24. Best Way to Get frame Grabs - HV20
  25. Thinking of HV30 BUT.....
  26. Hands on the new Canon HG20
  27. Just Bought myself a HV30
  28. Hands on the new Canon HF11
  29. Canon USA announces new VIXIA HD Camcorders
  30. Press Release: Canon Introduces Three New VIXIA HD Camcorders
  31. Helmet mount for HV 20
  32. Mic on the HV30
  33. Having trouble with capturing...
  34. Looking for an HV30 owner in Austin / San Marcos, TX
  35. Which wide angle adapter for HV10?
  36. New HF11 review and video clip sample
  37. how to record directly from HDMI in the field
  38. Archiving to DVD with Adobe Premier Elemets 3
  39. HV30 Test Footage in 24
  40. HV30 or HF10?
  41. Using my HV30 as a webcam
  42. Raynox HD6600 WA 52mm & Lens Flaring?
  43. HV-30 settings help
  44. New HV30 owner with DIY lens adapter
  45. Focusing an HV10 w/Century wide angle adapter
  46. New Canon AVCHD units - HF11 and HG21
  47. Blackmagic intensity on a macbook pro portable
  48. Better slow motion workflow?
  49. Quick Question.. Might Sound Stupid...
  50. Final Cut Pro Won't Recognize My HV30