- Blurry faces with default settings?
- Shock Mount
- Sports Preset
- just got my A1 and have some questions.
- When the Wife is Impressed...
- XH A1 'skewed' baseplate
- Just thought I'd brag...
- LyStudio from youtube!
- News video of the XH-G1
- Tripod Mounted A1 - Image Stabilizer On or Off?
- A1 24P SD Pulldown?
- monitoring/focus HDV with EDTV on the A1?
- capturing Z1 rushes on a A1 camera
- LCD screen washed out
- Night settings
- Green or bluescreen HDV footage?
- Canon console software vs. DV Rack
- An ode to the A1
- Presets Explanation
- My thoughts after first shoot with A1.
- Newbie with an A1 wireless problem!
- Canon FS72U Filter Set
- Free Tapes
- Matching A1 to Sony FX1/Z1
- Canon XH A1 Pal Price in Europe?
- new A1, need advice on shot settings...
- interview 3-shot
- Video 2 Output
- my new A1: observations and problems
- Filter question
- XH A1E (PAL) - 'black line' downconvert problem
- Taylor Wigton's G1/A1 article now online
- Which mic is on the xha1, and where can i get it?
- Shutter speed -- ClearScan
- From XL1s to A1 and other questions – what do you think?
- Canon XH A1 - a Germany - Review
- XH A1 HDV Preset in FCP 5.1.2, and resolution questions
- XH-G1 uncompressed 1080i 24F?
- A1 Formats
- I need some info with Console
- Analog video line input question
- G1 not keeping focus
- Shooting in HDV/SD settings...
- New owner in Ireland
- XH A1 Cover Story in March DV Magazine
- A1 power configuration
- Zoom speed faster in "card" setting
- XH-A1 broken!
- A Sign
- XHA1 Firewire Problem!