View Full Version : Canon XH Series HDV Camcorders

  1. Psych - A drama with a hint of comedy
  2. "Remove the cassette" error message
  3. Basic Function Issue(s)
  4. New XH-A1s
  5. Help: Rode NT4 with XH-A1
  6. Canon (un?) authorized Repair in Canada
  7. Couple questions about XH A1
  8. Wireless Mic Interference
  9. Film Noir Style
  10. Manual settings for shooting Osborne Lights
  11. Shot with Canon XHA1, a school video
  12. How to get this quality video?
  13. Final Cut issue with XH A1
  14. Low Light for Wedding
  15. Shoe-mounted mic issues
  16. Video noise in firewire port, Dell laptop, Canon XHA1
  17. Question about using Zebra pattern settings with Canon XHA1s
  18. capture HDV material recorded in DV tape ?
  19. VCR/Play Mode --- FPS Readings
  20. Cloudy LCD
  21. Hours on Video Heads?
  22. Why shoot DV while you can downconvert HDV?
  23. XHA1 issues w/ Sony DVC HD Mini Dv Tapes (dvm63hdr)
  24. Thinking about (finally) going HiDef with XH-A1S
  25. Handle clamp w/ shoe ??
  26. Tape Transport Broken
  27. XH-A1 Users In London
  28. PT-17 and CP's
  29. Change gain in midstream?
  30. XH owners(perhaps XH A1...A1(s) thoughts?
  31. Is there a mic holder extension for the Canon XHA1s?
  32. XHA1 suddenly only shows colour bars in record mode
  33. tape dropout??
  34. Should I play it Safe? Or gamble with Custom Presets?
  35. CANON XHA1 on a jib with a fisheye adapter
  36. Canon XHA1 - First Paying Gig!
  37. XH A1 recording to compact flash...a how to?
  38. Clip for sound XH A1
  39. Chickahominy tribe pow wow
  40. Noise and Grains Troubleshoot
  41. Many questions....
  42. ADAC Motocross Youngster Cup Germany
  43. Getting the best sound in?
  44. Tally lamp in XH A1
  45. XH A1 30f footage keeps freezing! HELP!!!!
  46. Turning the Canon XH-A1 and Sony MRC1K into a reliable tapeless kit
  47. First project on XHA1s
  48. Synching a 2 Camera shoot using the A1, the H1, and an AJA Ki Pro
  49. Recommend a tripod head for the XHA1s
  50. Question about recording external DV video signal with the XHA1s