- Capturing from XH A1 using FCP
- Microphone Screen
- 35mm, which one is best?
- Captureing from A1 problem - one frame from previous scene
- constant zoom accelerate and decelerate?
- External mic holder not usable?
- Working around the need for an external LCD monitor
- importing audio on the A1
- Hey, I'm looking into getting this camera
- XH A1 Pal version. i50/60
- FCP6 Workflow?
- Tape head life on the A1?
- New Canon XH A1 / First Impressions 7.6.07
- Capturing HDV and downconverting
- Good lights to compliment my A1
- m2t and WMP observations - a really nice match
- Bag with Drawstring for XH-A1 ???
- Fireworks with the A1
- GL2 vs XH A1 for nature footage
- Is Sony Wet or Dry?
- Capturing SD 16:9 with FCP6
- Capturing vocal band??
- Anyone having this problem?
- ASKING FOR TROUBLE: Double System Sound with XH A1
- NR1 compare to NR2!!
- XHA1 Lights, Glidecam, Tripod
- Black-record tapes
- Of ponds & turtles...
- Can cameras other than Canon be used to capture Standard Def 24f?
- First XH-A1 film - Last Round
- Two new clips from Rome
- What preset gives the greatest latitude?
- DIY Matte Box
- Last Day for XHA1 Rebate
- The Canon A1 an Impressions
- more depth of field?
- Settings for recording at night/street light
- Date and time burn in?
- Want to buy A1 - should I replace my VX2100?
- Dsr-11
- Where to learn about Zebra Stripes, Peaking, etc
- Why I bought from our sponsor ZGC
- What settings do you use with your A1 when importing to final cut?
- Rain cover bag for XH A1
- Pelican Case for my new A1
- Wedding- Quick Audio Questions
- Merlin/A1 - Initial Test
- Baby Robins in Nest - Feeding
- A1 noisy audio before/after example
- How do I reduce mic sensitivity?