- 4:2:2 color sampling in A1 and G1?
- Help Panasonic dvx100 vs xha1 in multi camera setup
- Glidecam 2000 Pro + A1?
- transfer of footage back to tape on XH-A1?
- Getting the perfect video, advice needed!
- The A1 colors out of the box from....HELP!
- High frequency flicker in DV
- Unknown noise source when using external mic
- Xh-A1 Monitor Cable Solution
- 10 second timer
- Assorted how to questions..Thanks...
- Canon A1 Testing (Grabs & Footage)
- More new Letus Extreme footage
- Can the sun screw up my A1?
- Getting A1 and need to match with XLH1
- Formats and Hosting
- tally lamp
- How to capture the best resolution from A1?
- Should I buy the XH-A1 for macro studio shooting?
- 2 XH-a1's FreeRun TimeCode + Capturing
- Good Tripod System for XH A1 and LetusFE
- New Letus/XH-A1 Frame Grabs and Footage
- Capture settings in fcp for SD 24f 16:9 on A1
- Capturing XH-A1 footage with Pinnacle MovieBoard Plus?
- A1- How do you get 24f back in fcp?
- A1 + adapter 35 mm, what lenses?
- Coring settings on XH A1
- Help, my A1 footage is crashing everything!
- Police PIF shot on A1
- Public Info film shot on A1
- how does this sound in ext mic....
- Opinion on Head Phone
- Factory custom presets donīt work
- Best Scene Detection for A1 captures?
- 12dB grain
- ShutterSpeed FREAKS OUT!
- Desaturating?
- KATA HB-205 with the Canon XH-A1
- Quick Help! Before i purchase..
- SutterSpeed Probrem on my A1, HelP!
- Green Screen recorded on tape with A1
- Recording computer's screen-help!
- The widest wideangle with no BD?
- Alternative mic-mount for A1
- shifting colors at dusk
- A few questions from a new XH A1 owner
- Just Got my Letus35 FE
- XH-A1 Questions... issues...
- Frame rate for slow motion?
- Cinema look ?