View Full Version : Canon XH Series HDV Camcorders

  1. 4:2:2 color sampling in A1 and G1?
  2. Help Panasonic dvx100 vs xha1 in multi camera setup
  3. Glidecam 2000 Pro + A1?
  4. transfer of footage back to tape on XH-A1?
  5. Getting the perfect video, advice needed!
  6. The A1 colors out of the box from....HELP!
  7. High frequency flicker in DV
  8. Unknown noise source when using external mic
  9. Xh-A1 Monitor Cable Solution
  10. 10 second timer
  11. Assorted how to questions..Thanks...
  12. Canon A1 Testing (Grabs & Footage)
  13. More new Letus Extreme footage
  14. Can the sun screw up my A1?
  15. Getting A1 and need to match with XLH1
  16. Formats and Hosting
  17. tally lamp
  18. How to capture the best resolution from A1?
  19. Should I buy the XH-A1 for macro studio shooting?
  20. 2 XH-a1's FreeRun TimeCode + Capturing
  21. Good Tripod System for XH A1 and LetusFE
  22. New Letus/XH-A1 Frame Grabs and Footage
  23. Capture settings in fcp for SD 24f 16:9 on A1
  24. Capturing XH-A1 footage with Pinnacle MovieBoard Plus?
  25. A1- How do you get 24f back in fcp?
  26. A1 + adapter 35 mm, what lenses?
  27. Coring settings on XH A1
  28. Help, my A1 footage is crashing everything!
  29. Police PIF shot on A1
  30. Public Info film shot on A1
  31. how does this sound in ext mic....
  32. Opinion on Head Phone
  33. Factory custom presets donīt work
  34. Best Scene Detection for A1 captures?
  35. 12dB grain
  36. ShutterSpeed FREAKS OUT!
  37. Desaturating?
  38. KATA HB-205 with the Canon XH-A1
  39. Quick Help! Before i purchase..
  40. SutterSpeed Probrem on my A1, HelP!
  41. Green Screen recorded on tape with A1
  42. Recording computer's screen-help!
  43. The widest wideangle with no BD?
  44. Alternative mic-mount for A1
  45. shifting colors at dusk
  46. A few questions from a new XH A1 owner
  47. Just Got my Letus35 FE
  48. XH-A1 Questions... issues...
  49. Frame rate for slow motion?
  50. Cinema look ?