- anti-alising problem?
- Sound Distortion when there is heavy bass
- A1 - FS4 Audio issue
- Do you re-use your tapes?
- What Mac for XHA1 HD 25f?
- Shooting candle lit ceremony with A1 question
- Interview on white
- Okay to turn off auto-off?
- In camera downconvert - need it explained
- EWA housing with A1
- Looking for advice on settings for Wedding - Indoor
- Looking for explanation the following settings
- Best editing Software for XH A1 Camcorder
- A1 underwater housing rental
- Component out - to Marshall and additional monitor?
- A1 HV20 for Weddings
- Test Driving an XH A1
- requesting help with CUSTOM PRESETS for XH A1
- Playback problem
- FS: Canon XHA1 plus gear (sold as set)
- XH-A1 and Firestore
- Mini DV tape - dumb question
- A1 recognised through XP, but no driver...
- Footage from South Italy
- Canon XHA1 1080P/30 Footage
- grinds and focus ring
- Is this "normal" or to be expected?
- Help no videocapture
- Slow Motion from 25F
- Mixing footage with the HV20
- First day out with XHA1
- Removing a Jammed UV Filter
- More XHA1 Footage for you Letus Extreme Junkies
- Preset vs Post
- Hard case for the A1?
- Viewfinder Eye Piece for A1
- Fall look which preset???
- UV Filter for A1
- My First Letus35 FE Footage
- Two tiny spots in new XHA1 viewfinder
- My Preferred Preset - Test Footage
- Canon A1 with Glidecam 2000
- 16:9 SD Production - Filming in HDV?
- Letus Extreme, XHA1 and Softbox
- New A1 user Question about Exposure, Shutter & Gain
- Help for those of us with adapters
- Date and time with seconds displayed
- better to downconvert in cam or via kona?
- 4:3 SD mode