View Full Version : Canon XH Series HDV Camcorders

  1. My second music video A1+ some M2
  2. Record and Play button issues
  3. Hi - a few newbie questions
  4. Dont yell, n00b question...
  5. Possible to have XLR in from an audio mixer and and external mic at same time?
  6. Mixing XH-A1 and HV20 24p footage
  7. "Inside the Canon XHA1 and XHG1" ???
  8. XH-A1 capturing compatibility
  9. Still can't capture with A1
  10. Best Lighting Kit?
  11. Best setup for XHA1 for maximum Range
  12. Custom presets for indoor concert + is UV Filter needed indoors?
  13. City Lights with the XHA1 and Letus Extreme
  14. My picture looks like this...
  15. Merlin/A1 Question
  16. Shooting the Sunset/Rise
  17. PortaBrace Cases...
  18. On camera LCD?
  19. Questions about some preset options
  20. Failure to Recognize in FCP
  21. Tape gets stuck when switching to SD
  22. XH/XL replacement cycle
  23. Film Look
  24. vivid rgb latest version?
  25. XH-A1 audio quality?
  26. First shots with Canon XH A1
  27. Mounting Firestore on A1
  28. First Try
  29. buying new camera
  30. Renting an XH A1 in the SF Bay Area
  31. Which Is Better Quality?
  32. XH A1 Rebate
  33. Getting the best picture from A1 with Vegas
  34. Problem with playback
  35. Help: XH-A1 Pulsing
  36. Mattebox that would work with the WD-H72 WA converter?
  37. FCP 6.0 rendering
  38. why/What's this blinking message?
  39. Massive Red and Green borders on Objects - is this normal?
  40. capture puzzle - dirty heads???
  41. XH-G1 PAL to 24P
  42. How often to claen heads?
  43. H1 vs. G1 vs. A1 for feature
  44. Getting correct Exposure Reading using the built in exposure meter
  45. XL*XH Owners Club
  46. Firestore FS-4
  47. Line artifacts?
  48. Camcorder bag suggestions for XH-A1
  49. Matching A1 footage with Sony PD170
  50. Are more Canon HDV cameras coming?