- My second music video A1+ some M2
- Record and Play button issues
- Hi - a few newbie questions
- Dont yell, n00b question...
- Possible to have XLR in from an audio mixer and and external mic at same time?
- Mixing XH-A1 and HV20 24p footage
- "Inside the Canon XHA1 and XHG1" ???
- XH-A1 capturing compatibility
- Still can't capture with A1
- Best Lighting Kit?
- Best setup for XHA1 for maximum Range
- Custom presets for indoor concert + is UV Filter needed indoors?
- City Lights with the XHA1 and Letus Extreme
- My picture looks like this...
- Merlin/A1 Question
- Shooting the Sunset/Rise
- PortaBrace Cases...
- On camera LCD?
- Questions about some preset options
- Failure to Recognize in FCP
- Tape gets stuck when switching to SD
- XH/XL replacement cycle
- Film Look
- vivid rgb latest version?
- XH-A1 audio quality?
- First shots with Canon XH A1
- Mounting Firestore on A1
- First Try
- buying new camera
- Renting an XH A1 in the SF Bay Area
- Which Is Better Quality?
- XH A1 Rebate
- Getting the best picture from A1 with Vegas
- Problem with playback
- Help: XH-A1 Pulsing
- Mattebox that would work with the WD-H72 WA converter?
- FCP 6.0 rendering
- why/What's this blinking message?
- Massive Red and Green borders on Objects - is this normal?
- capture puzzle - dirty heads???
- XH-G1 PAL to 24P
- How often to claen heads?
- H1 vs. G1 vs. A1 for feature
- Getting correct Exposure Reading using the built in exposure meter
- XL*XH Owners Club
- Firestore FS-4
- Line artifacts?
- Camcorder bag suggestions for XH-A1
- Matching A1 footage with Sony PD170
- Are more Canon HDV cameras coming?