View Full Version : Canon XH Series HDV Camcorders

  1. Field Mixer to A1
  2. XH-A1 - First Footage
  3. Joshua Tree Rock/Mojave Desert Footage
  4. audio channels on camera
  5. XLR not working with Rode NT-2 but will with other Mics
  6. Lip Sync Music Video. Backstreet Boys. :)
  7. I've got an A1, now where do I go?
  8. Leaving XH A1 in car
  9. Film Speed / ASA / and the lack thereof
  10. A1 on feature movie set.
  11. So I just bought an XHA1...
  12. Wide-Angle Lens Usage Questions
  13. LANC Controler
  14. Looking for reach...Rode NT-2 or built in mike
  15. Postcards from the Road
  16. XH-A1 "Pulse" Weirdness...
  17. If the G channel has more quality, then...
  18. Capture from 30F to Quicktime
  19. Just about to buy an XH A1 - shopping list opinions sought:
  20. Windgag For XHA1 Onboard Microphone
  21. importing audio from xh-a1 into final cut
  22. Can XH-A1 Back from Repair, with Firmware Version
  23. What is Auto Up To?
  24. Handling both line and mic input simultaneously
  25. Ready to purchase XH-A1 but worried about "XL-H1s & XL-H1A" type upgrades
  26. 24F or 60i for web?
  27. Which custom preset for shooting indoor cage fights
  28. New Canon User
  29. Map a focus preset to a button on remote
  30. Using Steven's custom presets.
  31. XH A1 and automatic white balance going wonky
  32. Anyway to Timecode Sync with A1 ?
  33. 30f or 60i?
  34. Slow Focus in 30F
  35. Premiere CS3 fix for A1 24F/P in release 3.2
  36. Las Vegas
  37. test steadycam Sanda100+xh-a1
  38. Dropouts Galore
  39. This monitor for my A1?
  40. timecode fluctuates when downloading?
  41. Random, kind of OT question - lens cap
  42. Windows -> Safely Remove Hardware? Necessary?
  43. Test footage, Swan (on a) Lake
  44. Xh a1 or XL H1A?
  45. Tape Length Problems - Help Please
  46. First tape dropouts.
  47. Canon WA Lens Cap not staying on
  48. channel softness problem
  49. XLR Cable length
  50. sos quick audio question