- XH-A1 and FCP 6.04 what's your settings???
- Is it worth buying an expensive prime for lens adapter use?
- Distance conversion for XHA1 using WD-72H Wide Angle
- Which fluid head tripod should I buy for the XH A1?
- Orange not Orange ??
- Video Capture, would this work
- After the ice storm
- Play back issue with screen
- Recording DigiBeta and Audio into XH-A1
- Advice for shooting church choir ??
- Please Help Review My XH A1 About To Buy List!
- Public Attention When Shooting on A1
- XH-A1 or keep my Z1
- XH A1 Tempature Frustration
- Flood of XH-A1's on EBay
- Your Guidance please
- Wide Angle Lens For A1
- Documentary Trailer Concept
- Basic Canon Console capture using XH A1
- Keep display info on VF but not output?
- A1 to s video?
- Canon XH-A1 warrenty card
- Matching XH-A1 with HV10
- XH A1 mic windjammer
- XL H1a or XH A1s
- Wide Angle Adapter's Effect on DOF
- XH-A1 PreSet for EX-1 match ??
- preset for documentary: what if I change to automatic shooting?
- XH A1 question...HELP!
- Break the Cycle Trailer
- XHA1 audio playback problem
- 9 Second gaps
- Panalook Preset
- VISION04 first grabs
- Cost of upgrade from 50i only to 50/60i
- XH A1s in stock?
- Lighting in an office
- Promotional video with XHA1
- How do I connect my A1 to a mixer board
- anyone like rollerblading
- First Post Autum Shots in Michigan
- Homemade Canon VL-10Li diffuser
- Raynox fisheye
- A1s & G1s DEBUT AT BIRNS 12/17
- XH-A1/XH-A1s for Wildlife & Nature
- welding torch and ccd?
- XH A1 vs. XH A1s
- A1 vs G1 Differences?
- dust in lens
- Instant Autofocus problem