View Full Version : Digital Compositing and Effects

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  1. How to properly chroma key people with glasses on
  2. Moving on from the green screen approach
  3. Boris FX's Particle Illusion is now yours for free
  4. How do you do this effect without pixelation?
  5. Simulating a projector image?
  6. How to accelerate a moon around a planet in AE
  7. Stabilisation via Camera Match Move |*Apple Motion
  8. Annoying orange
  9. Shaky line drawing on after effects?
  10. Templates/tutorials for fast sports
  11. Basic transparency question
  12. Error 16?
  13. Play forward, backward and pause?
  14. Green Screen Help
  15. No native import, QT is dead, what do I do for an AE intermediate!?!
  16. Warp stabilizer for canal boat shake
  17. Need help making photos jump up and down to the beat of a song
  18. Color Grading Help
  19. Basic After FX doubt
  20. Applying different luts cs6 prem pro
  21. Making 4K timelapse in AE, bit depth question
  22. Matchmove/VFX before or after speed change
  23. There IS such a thing as a free lunch!
  24. Modern replacement for the Hue Curves feature in Apple Color?
  25. Smoke Transitions
  26. Colourising old film in the digital age
  27. twixtor issues
  28. Live chroma removal from a webcam?
  29. Learn Compositing in NukeX (in Austin, TX)
  30. Echo in After Effects/ Lightwriting with Video (Not long exposure photography)
  31. How is this video made?
  32. New nle with davinchi
  33. anyone use/know red giant's toonit?
  34. Shortening AE Project Run Time... but NOT just speeding it up...
  35. Best stabilizing plugin and best plugins to improve quality of footage (PremPro)
  36. Getting better keys
  37. tekst has jagged edges
  38. How do I do this in AE?
  39. Animate Sine wave (dynamic, not static wave)
  40. Current AE/C4D Video card options
  41. Parallax Slow Motion effect
  42. Keying around hair
  43. Greenscreen, plates, and compositing oh my!
  44. PreComposed layers are blurry
  45. Ray Harryhausen, a true pioneer in VFX
  46. Cinegrain trial?
  47. Nice Chinese photo/video montage
  48. Particle world bad "pop-in"
  49. Sliding square video mask/effect
  50. How To? Panning replacing-subject-matter shot?