View Full Version : Digital Compositing and Effects

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  1. Performance of Adobe After Affects CS3 relative to 7.0?
  2. H.264 output missing?
  3. Dust Removal?
  4. Changing BLUE to BLACK?
  5. 3DS Max subscriptions?
  6. Replace a bunch of dv files with m2t's at once in Vegas/AE?
  7. Boris FX - What setting for 1440 HDV?
  8. My Cinematography Logo
  9. possible to apply a gradient to opacity?
  10. Converting 16:9 animation to wide screen
  11. How to make Lightning in Post-Production?
  12. How to make shine effect
  13. Motion Blur HELP!!!!!
  14. how are software training/demo videos created?
  15. Keyframe kerning in AE7?? Anyone?
  16. Best settings for AE7 on my rig?
  17. After Effects alternative (PC)?
  18. Vivid color correction from HDV?
  19. Magic Bullet deinterlacing far worse than AE's standard deinterlacing? (incl. pics)
  20. Deinterlacing (film-look-style) with big projects?
  21. Ripple effect question
  22. Shake 4.1. How to extract a rotoscoped object?
  23. AE 7 RAM preview audio sync
  24. Gamma/color shift on export
  25. Dark Coat is Noisy
  26. Exporting text made in AE to Vegas
  27. Cineform footage problems in AE
  28. Best Type of Image Sequence
  29. AE maximum and minimum help
  30. slowmo and jitter
  31. Playout / Automation with split-screen, mms-support and more
  32. How is this done?
  33. creating titles for hdv and authoring
  34. 720x576 to 640x480
  35. Exporting HVX footage to After Effects
  36. How do I split a layer and keep it in the same layer?
  37. 29 Free Customizable Text Animations For After Effects 7 Professional
  38. After effect CW Denoiser with moving video ?
  39. Free Camera Shake preset for AE7Pro
  40. Vue 6 Infinite, any tutorials/books to recommend?
  41. Gunshot Wound in After Effects?
  42. Motion Transplant using Shake
  43. Making moving titles in After Effects
  44. Wavy heat-distortion effect
  45. What can I buy to speed up rendering in After Effects?
  46. Free Plugins From Amber Visual!
  47. Auto Setup in Magic Bullet won't work!!!!
  48. Bringing or Flying in Some Text Directly Into the Center
  49. Sports Score Bar
  50. AE, what do you need to run HDV?