View Full Version : Digital Compositing and Effects

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  1. Vegas and After Effects
  2. Keylight glitch
  3. Uneven surface
  4. Mirror Image
  5. Slow motion; 50i or 60i
  6. Best plugin to get best Black&white filmlook?
  7. Upscaling an After Effects composition from SD to HD
  8. After Effects 7.0 keeps crashing
  9. MPEG2-DVD output from After Effects
  10. Mulitiple codecs but one final compression
  11. putting a sign on the side of a vehicle
  12. the Predator chameleon/camouflage effect... How?
  13. Extraction Help
  14. AE 7 won't turn let me use 32 bpc
  15. Looking for 3D environments for a movie
  16. Glowing/steaming/mist emitting eyes AE CS3
  17. FireGL, 125bit or 256bit?
  18. After Effects CS3
  19. The light writing effect
  20. importing a set of already edited clips into a comp in AE..
  21. AE: 16:9 composition problems
  22. AE: Adding Time to a Composition
  23. Problems with masking in AE
  24. electrify?
  25. Motion Tracking assistance
  26. Importing files problem
  27. Wings in AE
  28. motion difference matte?
  29. Whitening out eyes
  30. Color Grading and Premiere
  31. Adding blood in post to still body
  32. curved edges
  33. using after effects of pp2.0 to simulate 24p
  34. Crash on render AE pro 7.0
  35. Organizing Effects Clips
  36. Adobe Ultra problem
  37. After Effects on PC to FCP (mac)
  38. Lab color mode in After effects?
  39. Should I get After Effects?
  40. Problems with HDV codec going from AE to FCpro
  41. AE7 Running Slow....upgrade?
  42. AE 5.0 Compatible with Mac Pro?
  43. Transition/FX
  44. I have spent 2 hours trying to letterbox 4:3 into 16:9...
  45. End Credits in After Effects
  46. 3D Modeling/Rendering package recommendation
  47. Slideshow?
  48. exporting only text, no background...
  49. Animated Title Backgrounds / Transition-In
  50. How do I create an Angel in Affter Effects