- Canon HF21 with Ikelite housing
- My first underwater piece
- The Dark Side of The Lens
- Gates announce houisng for Panny 3D HD Cam
- "Shooting in the Wild"
- Underwater Light Upgrade from Halogen to LED
- Yellowstone question ?
- Getting Into Wildlife Films
- Seeking mentor in Upstate New York for Canon 7D
- The feeling of discovery--critique please
- Canon Xf300 or 305
- Shooting WRC Rally Cars in the forest
- Interview with Anson Fogel
- Butterflies
- Sony V1U performance at high altitude 20,000 ft
- A Fly Fishing Short
- Birds of the Esk Valleys - editing begins
- BBC Wild Wales
- Underwater | Lembeh | Indonesia
- West Country Badgers Clip
- Shooting in Haiti
- GH1 vs GF1+LVF vs XL1/XL1s for wildlife/birds?
- Need to Rent - Underwater Housing for 7d or hvx200 - NJ/NY Area
- Filters for Outdoor Shots?
- Secret Life of Hummingbirds
- Need Help Purchasing Mics for the Outdoors
- Freaky good trailer...
- Hudson's Monarch - Wildscreen 2010 Finalist (Screen Grabs)
- Totally unfamiliar situations. Need advice
- Chickadees in Reflected Ultraviolet
- Mat Thmpson Wildscreen Panda Awards Finalist
- Fish Rock Cave - South West Rocks
- Video - Diving in Sudan 2010
- Canada Goose Family Up Close in HD Video
- Where can I find funding.
- Underwater Housing for the Canon FS200
- Mistle Thrush at the nest
- Mistle Thrush at the nest
- Suggested Lens(es) for 5D MarkII with Aquatica Housing
- An outdoor redevelopment timelapse
- Economical Camcorder?
- World heritage area.
- Suggestions for Underwater Housing 5D Kit
- Monopod and fluid head recommendations for NX5U
- Freshwater Underwater Videography Questions
- Swimming Goggle Promo
- FX 1000 slo mo
- The winter does not finish it any more..(Forest Cat, ermine etc.)
- Prairie Crocus Bloom
- Ewa Marine or Ikelite for 5D