- Low Cost Prime Lenses for HD Cameras
- Camera/Lens performance compared to Varicam and Panny 400.
- The real test - contrast ratios
- Back from the 1st day of the 1st gig with the XL-H1
- Fresh Meat...
- Canon's Secret to Achieving High Resolution in 1080p
- XL H1 and 35mm lenses
- XL H1 and Final Cut Pro
- 24F LAID TO REST: The honest answer about 24F
- Fed Ex just arrived...
- Yet another unresearched question about 24F
- Shutter Speed/Mount
- How was THIS done?
- uncompressed options...
- Wide Angle Lense for XLH1
- I posted XLH1 frames from my Birns & Sawyer shoot from last month...
- Xlh1
- The Canon XL HD Lens Wishlist
- Canon H1 with 35 mm Adapter up to 2 F-Stops Faster than Z1, etc.
- Manual IRIS Question
- An Observation
- Canon-Sony comparative test, diff. lenses
- Reality raises it's ugly head.
- I recieved my XL H1 - How to...???
- So it looks like the XL-H1 does in fact score high on the Resolution Chart...
- XL-H1 and P+S test
- XL H1 and the Canon 1.6x extender
- XL-H1 = Great low light...No Grain.....Great for Videographers!
- Wide Angle Lens?
- Question for CineForm...
- H1 as Hubble Telescope Replacement
- H1 as 35 mm Replacement
- Happy New year
- H1 as 16mm Replacement?
- Delay...
- Grabbing still frames
- Conversion File Tests-Canon XL H1
- XL2 Presets in XLH1
- For those that think looks don't matter....
- Question about ssing SD SDI for studio use
- Canon XL H1 Playback on Sony camera/decks
- New XL H1 clips of singer with amazing talent...
- Final Cut Pro with XL H1 problem
- Anyone with an XL on a remote pan and tilt head?
- Custom presets menu
- Anton Bauer Battery - The official "ALL DAY" power block
- 2 week update
- Receiving the H1 tomorrow...
- Usable Decks?