View Full Version : Canon XL H Series HDV Camcorders

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  1. Connections and Power
  2. Any suggestions for shooting chromakey?
  3. HD field Monitor for H1?
  4. 11 second clip of HO scale train set
  5. Capturing audio when capturing through HD-SDI
  6. How do you hold the XL series?
  7. Price & Longevity
  8. Using XL H1 without taping
  9. Using a XL H1 - which frame rate for wildlife.
  10. Thinking of getting the XL H1… good/bad idea?
  11. Great Camera - any 24F advice for sale?
  12. Minor issues with the XL H1
  13. What Final Cut Pro settings should I use for capturing HDV 60i via firewire?
  14. Here's What Scott Billups Thinks Of The Canon Xlh1..
  15. Canon H1 And Final Cut Pro Sync Issues
  16. Manual for PAL version??
  17. More "After Dawn" XL H1 Dolly Footage
  18. Unintentional Fatherhood...
  19. red and green fringes
  20. Still image recording with EOS lens
  21. Here's your $900 playback deck 24F/ 30F Frame mode
  22. HD or HDV workflow?
  23. 2 More Clips
  24. Xl H1 EVF Flip
  25. How to XL H1 tape head usage.
  26. Viewfinder underscan
  27. re new canon problems
  28. Cinemek preorder
  29. low light xl h1 vs. xl2
  30. What all does going to HDV 1 require
  31. options for capturing HD-SDI output
  32. first tv broadcast xlh1
  33. Anyone using the H1 in a studio configuration?
  34. Just Curious - How's the Autofocus?
  35. Canon XL H1 + FCP 5 + Same day Edit
  36. H1 resolution
  37. XL-H1 off BH?
  38. A few more H1/HDV/DV100 FCP QT clips to peruse.
  39. Which 35mm adapter can be used with XL-H1?
  40. hd output to sd card
  41. Apple Intermediate Codec vs. DVCPRO-HD for XL-H1 24f editing
  42. Your comments on the Monochrome EVF FU-1000
  43. A Buyers/Sellers Market for Slightly Used XL H1?
  44. Canon XL-H1 setting suggestions ??
  45. What is a decent tripod/head for H1?
  46. Purple and green borders are killing me!!!
  47. I have the XL H1 for a bit
  48. Shooting HD-SDI -> SD
  49. Portable HD-SDI - Reborn
  50. Ripple Training Podcast XLH1 series