- Connections and Power
- Any suggestions for shooting chromakey?
- HD field Monitor for H1?
- 11 second clip of HO scale train set
- Capturing audio when capturing through HD-SDI
- How do you hold the XL series?
- Price & Longevity
- Using XL H1 without taping
- Using a XL H1 - which frame rate for wildlife.
- Thinking of getting the XL H1… good/bad idea?
- Great Camera - any 24F advice for sale?
- Minor issues with the XL H1
- What Final Cut Pro settings should I use for capturing HDV 60i via firewire?
- Here's What Scott Billups Thinks Of The Canon Xlh1..
- Canon H1 And Final Cut Pro Sync Issues
- Manual for PAL version??
- More "After Dawn" XL H1 Dolly Footage
- Unintentional Fatherhood...
- red and green fringes
- Still image recording with EOS lens
- Here's your $900 playback deck 24F/ 30F Frame mode
- HD or HDV workflow?
- 2 More Clips
- Xl H1 EVF Flip
- How to XL H1 tape head usage.
- Viewfinder underscan
- re new canon problems
- Cinemek preorder
- low light xl h1 vs. xl2
- What all does going to HDV 1 require
- options for capturing HD-SDI output
- first tv broadcast xlh1
- Anyone using the H1 in a studio configuration?
- Just Curious - How's the Autofocus?
- Canon XL H1 + FCP 5 + Same day Edit
- H1 resolution
- XL-H1 off BH?
- A few more H1/HDV/DV100 FCP QT clips to peruse.
- Which 35mm adapter can be used with XL-H1?
- hd output to sd card
- Apple Intermediate Codec vs. DVCPRO-HD for XL-H1 24f editing
- Your comments on the Monochrome EVF FU-1000
- A Buyers/Sellers Market for Slightly Used XL H1?
- Canon XL-H1 setting suggestions ??
- What is a decent tripod/head for H1?
- Purple and green borders are killing me!!!
- I have the XL H1 for a bit
- Shooting HD-SDI -> SD
- Portable HD-SDI - Reborn
- Ripple Training Podcast XLH1 series