- Sony's new HVR-M15E and 25F
- using Canon XLH1 For Motion Picture Production
- New XL-H1 Slow Motion Clip
- XL H1 and decklink
- XLH1 decklink capture settings
- XL H1 does it shoot 24p like the XL2???
- a clip with 14x lens all manual
- XL H1 as HDV deck w FCP
- Another black and white shot
- DAT Recording-24 or 30 frame?
- Wafian rental
- clean heads frequently
- Blue Moon
- 1394 programming interface?
- XL H1 in a multi camera system
- XLH1 24f vs. XL2 24p
- "film look" ironies
- New User Help... Frame Rates/Settings
- PC users - what's your workflow?
- Forum Suggestions
- mounting ZR2000 to 503 pan handle
- Black and white footage
- Bad news for wildlife videographers
- Canon Xl H1 Seminar At Birns & Sawyer
- is H1 finder coverage % 100 ?
- hdv downconvert canon xlh1
- four channel confusion
- Flange Back
- 25F in real world
- Snoqualmie Falls footage
- Canon XL H1for my Cinema...
- Ewa-Marine raincover for XL H1; review
- OIS and handheld panning
- Anyone using extenders with the XLH1?
- XL H1 Custom Presets Download Library
- Comments on web film shot with H1 appreciated
- Scneider Optics Century .8x Wide Angle w XLH1
- Free Firestore FS4 W/Purchase of XLH1
- Manual exposure
- Best Capture Settings for H1:s 25f (pal)
- Canon XLH1 and Macintosh F C Pro
- very long dropouts
- Even more XLH1 Footage!
- My Settings plus Footage
- H1 EVF aspect ratio not true?
- Importing HD w/o Camera
- Marshall 7" issues
- Lots of new XLH1 footage
- How to attach Marshall HD monitor to Canon H1 - HELP!!
- what make a high def lens a high def lens?