- XL-H1 Body Kit?
- Varizoom Swit and XLH1.
- battery for xlh1?
- locking timecode (new user question)
- using HD-SDI thru this camera
- Matte Box on XL H1 UV Remove?
- Redrock w/ Nikon Lenses v. Canon EF Adaptor w/ Canon Lenses?
- nd-filter
- XLH1 Sony incompatibility
- XLH1, KONA 3 and/or KONA LHe
- minimount & system isolator compatible?
- Canon 25f playback on other camcorders/decks
- Purple/pink cast in viewfinder
- low budget guinness filming
- XL H1 and that "film look"
- SDI on playback
- Battery And Charger for Newbie
- 24f > DVNTSC Offline > 24f Online Problems
- Are there any good camera lights?
- XL H1 and cold weather conditions
- BP-950G Battery Problem
- Indie Producers Insurance
- Diopter for H1 20X lens?
- Should I convert my XL-H1 to 24f
- Need lighting for the H1 help
- background "pulse" when shooting on "Auto"
- Linear vs. Circular Polarizer
- Darn Focusing on the H1 Viewfinder
- Lit Pixel issue on my H1???
- Norway Scenery #1
- Anton Bauer GoldMount + XLH1
- Focusing on the XLH1
- Lens Question...MAJOR ZOOM NEEDED
- canon pulldown
- "The Signal" (Nick Hiltgen) picked up at Sundance
- Newbie Shock: Avoiding Pitfalls & Nightmares
- Storm
- Audio Limitations of the XL-H1
- Any information on the next generation of Canon cameras?
- Vignetting normal with the 20x Lense? and Bad frames...
- audio - the same input, separate level controls
- Chip Chart
- Training, workshops, or training DVD for H1?
- XL H1 broadcast quality?
- smpte colour bars
- Snow Part Two - In-camera BW
- ? upgrade for embedded audio on XL H1
- Snow
- Pre-purchase Jitters and ?s
- H1 Purchase at B&H