View Full Version : Canon XL H Series HDV Camcorders

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  1. XL-H1 Body Kit?
  2. Varizoom Swit and XLH1.
  3. battery for xlh1?
  4. locking timecode (new user question)
  5. using HD-SDI thru this camera
  6. Matte Box on XL H1 UV Remove?
  7. Redrock w/ Nikon Lenses v. Canon EF Adaptor w/ Canon Lenses?
  8. nd-filter
  9. XLH1 Sony incompatibility
  10. XLH1, KONA 3 and/or KONA LHe
  11. minimount & system isolator compatible?
  12. Canon 25f playback on other camcorders/decks
  13. Purple/pink cast in viewfinder
  14. low budget guinness filming
  15. XL H1 and that "film look"
  16. SDI on playback
  17. Battery And Charger for Newbie
  18. 24f > DVNTSC Offline > 24f Online Problems
  19. Are there any good camera lights?
  20. XL H1 and cold weather conditions
  21. BP-950G Battery Problem
  22. Indie Producers Insurance
  23. Diopter for H1 20X lens?
  24. Should I convert my XL-H1 to 24f
  25. Need lighting for the H1 help
  26. background "pulse" when shooting on "Auto"
  27. Linear vs. Circular Polarizer
  28. Darn Focusing on the H1 Viewfinder
  29. Lit Pixel issue on my H1???
  30. Norway Scenery #1
  31. Anton Bauer GoldMount + XLH1
  32. Focusing on the XLH1
  33. Lens Question...MAJOR ZOOM NEEDED
  34. canon pulldown
  35. "The Signal" (Nick Hiltgen) picked up at Sundance
  36. Newbie Shock: Avoiding Pitfalls & Nightmares
  37. Storm
  38. Audio Limitations of the XL-H1
  39. Any information on the next generation of Canon cameras?
  40. Vignetting normal with the 20x Lense? and Bad frames...
  41. audio - the same input, separate level controls
  42. Chip Chart
  43. Training, workshops, or training DVD for H1?
  44. XL H1 broadcast quality?
  45. smpte colour bars
  46. Snow Part Two - In-camera BW
  47. ? upgrade for embedded audio on XL H1
  48. Snow
  49. Pre-purchase Jitters and ?s
  50. H1 Purchase at B&H