- Contest Winner
- Great job everyone
- Feedback: Less Supernatural DVC#4
- Is this all the entrees"
- FeedBack Search of Spirit
- Feedback: "Soot Happens"
- Feedback: Operation Christmas Spirit
- Feedback on "Shark Hunting"
- Feedback for "Alone For the Holidays"
- Feedback for Christmas Spirit: 2005
- Feedback for "Liquid" - DVC4
- DVC4 Craig Bellaire "Finger Prints" entree
- DV Challenge #4 - Finalists
- DVC4 voting for those who submitted.
- Feedback for "Off the Radar" - DVC4
- Feedback for Advent Walk
- Dv Challenge #4 Now Closed!
- DVC4 early gift from me to you
- If you haven't donated anything yet...
- Uh oh! I need help on mine!
- DVC4 How you guys doing?
- Dv Challenge 4... THEME ANNOUNCEMENT! Ready, Set.... Go!!!
- So far we've raised... $525!
- DVC4 Sign Up Thread
- DVC4 International co production
- DVC4 Official announcement
- NYC short film night
- DVC4 discussion/thoughts/suggestions
- Web site update?
- Just received part of my INSANELY HUGE prize package!
- T-shirts, certificates, and such...
- Audience Fav for DVC4
- t-shirt timeline?
- So uh, DVC 4?
- DVC3 Nominations!
- DVC3 "Self Made" -- Feedback
- DVC3 "Because nice guys finish last" - Feedbak
- DVC3 The Drama Project
- Congratulations DVC3 Participants
- And the nominees are...?
- DVC3 "The Best Buy" -Feedback
- A Ban on embedded films for next DVC
- DVC3 "Grim Parallax" - Feedback
- "Iris" DVC-3 Feedback
- Death Takes a Picture- Feedback
- DV Challenge #1 - Finalists
- DV Challenge #2 - Finalists
- DVC3 "The Visionary" - Feedback
- DVC3 "Out of Focus" Feedback