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Les Dit January 31st, 2005 09:54 PM

New moving GG device HD demo clip
Well, I've been tinkering some more with the 'oscillating' mini 35 type GG mechanism.
Some of you may remember I posted a slightly shaky HD demo clip of my previous attempt.
I am happy to announce that I have completely solved all image shake caused by the device!

The mechanism is under 3.5 " in diameter.
The radius of the circular movement is just under 1mm on this version.
The GG size is 40 mm by 27 mm usable aperture.
There are no condenser optics used on this clip, so obviously there is a hot spot.
I'll correct that with the next demo I post.
I still plan to offer the mechanism for under $500.

The clip I have right now is a media 9 1280 by 720 pixel ( 720 P ) HiDef clip. The bit rate is about 6 megabits/Sec.

Last time I shared a clip, the users swamped my usual free server, so this time I'm hosting it from a slow server. It's 13 megabytes.

Use an FTP program of recent vintage to get the clip. The IP address is and set the port number to 888
( the standard port is 21 )
Sometimes you can express that as
The user name is gg and the password is demo2. If the server is busy, try later.
If you can't ftp, I can email you a link to a fast server.

Comments and feedback welcomed!

Dan Diaconu February 1st, 2005 01:09 AM

Could you post the link please?

Les Dit February 1st, 2005 01:19 AM

I don't want to post a link, because last time I did a demo, the 24 meg file was downloaded over a hundred times by 'looky loos', and I overflowed my bandwidth limit!

People can email me at lesd at earthlink period net, put GG demo in the subject.

Or try the ftp. Some FTP clients don't work, but most modern ones do. Port 888 is essential to specify.
I recommend BulletproofFTP or maybe WSFtp.


<<<-- Originally posted by Dan Diaconu : Could you post the link please? -->>>

Steev Dinkins February 1st, 2005 01:28 AM

Tried that sh** using several FTP methods. No go. Weak. Oh well. Back to better things.

Les Dit February 1st, 2005 01:30 AM

<<<-- Originally posted by Steev Dinkins : Tried that sh** using several FTP methods. No go. Weak. Oh well. Back to better things. -->>>

Are you ?
I don't know how to help Mac users.

I'll gladly upload it, or provide an emailed link to the wmv.

Steev Dinkins February 1st, 2005 02:17 AM

I just downloaded from your link you sent via email. Conceptually it looks impressive. There's a lot of banding in the video probably due to Windows Media compression. Any moving element design is impressive to me since I have no inclinations or expertise regarding inventing a moving GG design. Of course you are about to get pelted with a million questions from people.

What does it look like? Can you post pics of the unit? Does it use batteries? Is there speed adjust? What camera is your test using? What type of 35mm lenses are compatible? When will there be footage without the Vignetting? When do you anticipate it being for sale? What type of video cameras will be compatible. And the biggie - what about an XL1/XL2 solution?

Congrats on getting as far as you have. Not a simple endeavor.

Gary McClurg February 1st, 2005 02:22 AM

I have no clue how to view it.

But you need to come up with a website or have someone host the clip because once you posted it here of course everyone wants to see it.

Les Dit February 1st, 2005 02:00 PM

Answering a few questions:

Q:What does it look like?

It is a tube 3.5 " diameter . Pretty small. The insides are made from a 0.75 " thick piece of CNC machined filled Nylon type materal, or Delrin. There are 6 miniture ball bearings in there,as well as other mechanical components .

Q: Can you post pics of the unit?

Yes, I'm doing a slight design change for my first customer, I can post pictures of that unit.

Q: Does it use batteries?
Four AA or AAA batteries. low-cost batteries with the batteries on the outside for easy changing.Not pretty, but very practical. Buy a 40 pack at Costco!

Q: Is there speed adjust?

Q: What camera is your test using?

Q: What type of 35mm lenses are compatible?
Its flexible. It all depends on what lens mount is on the front. If a customer has a peculiar lens mount they can send it and I will integrate it. the groundglass is 40 mm by 27 mm usable aperture.

Q: When will there be footage without the Vignetting?
Should be by next week.

Q: When do you anticipate it being for sale?
I've sold one already! I anticipate making a few more this month.I've spent countless hours on this, but I'm not really making it into a business per se. I just like to recoup some of my expenses. I'll give a discount to those who promised to send me a video they made with the device!

Q What type of video cameras will be compatible. And the biggie - what about an XL1/XL2 solution?

At this point, I'm not sure I want to make it a camera specific device. I'm looking for direction in this area. It's not hard to integrate different lens amounts, or attach the unit to some kind of rail system. again, I'm looking for input. Perhaps if there is a great need for a certain camera, I can make some for that specifically. Since a lot of you are able to do certain things yourselves, I'm thinking, you might be satisfied with the core component being solved. to That's the part most people have been struggling with.

>Congrats on getting as far as you have. Not a simple endeavor. -->>>

thank you!
For those of you having difficulty with the FTP (most), just send me an e-mail, and I'll send you a link to a high-speed server with the 13MB video. Would you guys also like a high bid rate MPEG-2 version?


Kyle Edwards February 1st, 2005 03:20 PM

Personally there isn't much to comment on besides the fact that you do have a successful attempt at DOF. Other than that, I would need to see the project further along with the hot spot gone and an in the field test.

Great start, hope to see more footage soon.

Aaron Shaw February 1st, 2005 03:30 PM

Really looks nice so far. Keep us updated! How much noise does this make when on at full speed and at low speed?

What are you using for a GG?

Les Dit February 1st, 2005 03:40 PM

thanks for the feedback,
right now I'm just using a generic groundglass. The groundglass is not very important when you start moving it substantially, as the defects disappear. On the last part of the clip, you can see how coarse the groundglass seems when the motion comes to a halt.
the 720 P resolves it quite well. At DV resolution it would be even less of a concern, naturally.
As far as sound, there is definitely a slight whirring sound.This device has no belts in it currently, but I think I will go back to a belt drive, because they are more silent.

Michael Ogasawara February 1st, 2005 11:30 PM

You should use RapidShare or YouSendIt, both of which will host the file on their own servers.



Les Dit February 2nd, 2005 12:46 AM

Download it here also:
Thanks to Michael I also uploaded the clip in this location:
---(click on the button near the bottom of the page)----

It only lets one person downloaded at a time, I believe.
I've obtained a suitable condenser lens, I hope to upload a clip with the hotspot minimized soon.

Les Dit February 3rd, 2005 08:40 PM

new HD demo video version
just a slight update:

I added a condenser lens which helped the hotspot somewhat. I'll try experimenting with different lens positions and spacings to minimize the problem some more.

This time, I have a nine megabit/sec Windows media 9 file, as well as a MPEG version for those who may have trouble with WMV formatted videos. The MPEG version shows some flickering, which is not in the media 9 file. It is not a function of the ground glass or the mechanism. You can see the groundglass at the end of the video when the groundglass stops moving.

The link for the Windows media file:

The link for the MPEG file, at a lower bit rate:

Again scroll to the bottom of the screen and click a button to download the file on this free server.

Both of the video files are 1280 by 720 pixels. Older computers won't play the media 9 file smoothly.
I'm planning on selling this device for less than $500.

Leo Mandy February 3rd, 2005 08:49 PM

You lost me. Went to Rapid Share, there is no download, just a FREE button and then wait 20 seconds - do you have to sign up just to dl?

Michael Ogasawara February 3rd, 2005 09:02 PM

<<<-- Originally posted by Mandy Leo : You lost me. Went to Rapid Share, there is no download, just a FREE button and then wait 20 seconds - do you have to sign up just to dl? -->>>

Just wait the 20 seconds. Then the clip will be available to you for download. I think the timer is there to ease some of stress from the servers, but the wait is usually under a minute.

Aaron Shaw February 3rd, 2005 09:22 PM

Looks great Les! The HD really makes it look great as well ;)

I'm really liking the look of this thing! Any chance we could see some pics of the actual unit?

Les Dit February 3rd, 2005 09:38 PM

Thanks Aaron.

I will post a picture of this unit next week. I'm making a more production ready version then. The thing will be about 3 1/2 in diameter, and a little less than that lengthwise. Much smaller than the spinning CD style.

Yes, the server requires you to click 'FREE', then wait for a few seconds before the download commences. Hey, it's free!

Next week I also intend to upload a video with the hot spot solved. I'm juggling too many projects these days!


Aaron Shaw February 3rd, 2005 10:00 PM

Les any chance I could get you to post the type, focal length, and aperture setting of the les you used?

Also, what macro are you using? Does the JVC have a 72mm thread?

Steev Dinkins February 3rd, 2005 10:04 PM

I threw some post process on it for the fun of it.





Looks perty good to me man. Looks like the JVC GR-HD1 you're using has a 52mm filter ring size. I wonder how this thing would work on a 72mm ring front end. Hmmmmm.

Les Dit February 4th, 2005 02:28 AM

The taking lens is just a common low cost Minolta 50mm.
The kind that commonly ships with a camera body.
It says it's a 1:2 , and the fstop was 1/2 way between f2.8 and f4.

The JVC HD10 had a +2 diopter on it's 52mm screw mount.

Steev, I like the darker color correction you did ! I didn't want to mess with it too much when I posted it. It could use some sharpening too, just to snap it up a bit.

<<<-- Originally posted by Aaron Shaw : Les any chance I could get you to post the type, focal length, and aperture setting of the les you used?

Also, what macro are you using? Does the JVC have a 72mm thread? -->>>

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