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Leo Mandy January 23rd, 2005 09:03 AM

Telescope/Binoculars question
I found an old set of Binoculars which I took apart, trying to figure out this whole 35mm/Aldus/Agus35 thing. What I am constantly struggling with is defining what is what : for example :

The eye piece of the binoculars ( I am assuming this works the same in Telescopes) when taken apart, is very fuzzy and I cannot see through it at all - like looking through coke bottle glasses! But when I take the front part of the binoculars (I am guessing these all just magnifying glasses?), and hold it a certain distance away from the eyepiece, a clear magnified picture comes into view - correctly, right-side up and left to right.
So does this mean the eye-piece is a macro lens?

To add to the confusion, I found a decent KIRON macro TUBE lens yesterday for $20.00. I grabbed it without thinking because I want to learn a little anyways. This lens is 80-200mm f/4 MACRO 1:4 - but after reading a little more, why is the lens so darn big? I thought macro lenses were little filters that took up about 1cm in width?

Ok, so back to the experiment, again, I put the macro tube up to my eyes and put the Front of the binocular glass a little distance away and voila! An image comes through, but upside down!

So what happened here? Why did the eye-piece have the image right-side up working the same way as the KIRON macro lens, but the macro lens was upside down?

Confused? You bet.


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