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Kyle Edwards May 17th, 2005 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by Obin Olson

reactions for this? i'ts the Altasense 3562..I know it's not shot that well but....

With some color correction these shots look pretty damn good. Probably half the fun for me if I had this camera would be playing with the images in post.





Obin Olson May 17th, 2005 06:04 PM

A new start
OK we are developing a camera system. It is FPGA. A hardware design. I am feeling really good about this as we have COMPLETE control at the chip level this go-around. I will be using the Altasense 3562 CMOS chip, will have 1080x1920 COLOR out via DVI for a LOWCOST high quality FULL RESOLUTION display on a 22inch LCD display. We will also have a viewfinder with a 1/4 pixel QUAD display also in COLOR. We will use laptop hard disk drives that have LOTS of G shock protection and low-power. the camera is VERY simple it will have in version 1: GAIN control on R G B, SHUTTER SPEED, FPS, Histogram. We will have RAM recording for super high-speed recording so we don't need lots of disk drives...

OK? anyone have any feedback?

;) I sure wish I started with a hardware design...but hey you learn as you go I guess...:)

Joshua Starnes May 17th, 2005 10:54 PM

What's the size of the chip in the 3562? Does it still produce 4:4:4 10-bit color? What type of lens mount are you looking at? C-mount still, or something else?

Konst Seraf May 18th, 2005 12:44 AM

>OK? anyone have any feedback?

How about shutter, the chip has only rolling right? Do you consider to implement an external one?

Steven Mingam May 18th, 2005 02:24 AM


OK? anyone have any feedback?
like you said, you should have started with that :)

btw, i'm looking for some raw HD video sample, to test some compression sheme, anybody got something like 10sec ('cause 1 min is going to be quite large) ?

Rob LaPoint May 18th, 2005 06:35 AM

So do you have a totally new time table now? You were getting so close to having the previous incarnation working. I understand that going with a custom hardware solution is certainly the best option, but have you priced it out, and will it be enough cheaper than something like Kinetta to make it worth while?

Obin Olson May 18th, 2005 08:53 AM

Rob yes it's going to be cheaper..it will be less then the way I was going! jsut a few IC's FPGA's and a CMOS with hard disks and a OLED display

timetable, the design is in place, we await hardware from OEM's to ship..from the looks of it we will be working in stages, first stage is to get the CMOS working with a FPGA and outputting basic bayer data via DVI, then get hard disk working and after that have it shooting out 1/4 pixel quad to a microdisplay for a viewfinder

It feels to me at this point that in a couple weeks we should see some type of beta with an output and cmos control? but don't hold me to it..I am pretty sure of one thing, it will take less time this go around.

BTW if anyone has hardware that works CineLink is a working app...

Régine Weinberg May 18th, 2005 01:21 PM

to expensive but what can that be

that is the OEM version of

2208 x 3000 5 fps
it does 1272x1008 at 25 fps
and is a 6.6 Megapixel CMOS, can do binning
has at lower resolution bigger Pixels
rolling shutter ...where does the CMOS come from??
output on firewire

Chris Hurd May 18th, 2005 02:47 PM

Thread closed temporarily.

I need to remove an awful lot of personal flaming, and cull some posts down to strictly technical discussions. Please, if you have a personal issue with someone on this forum, do not clutter my boards with flaming garbage. Simply add the individual that you have a problem with to your "Ignore This User" list. Locate that option in your control panel by clicking "Controls" (second link from the left in the top nav bar), from there go to "Misc. / Ignore User." That will make things much easier on you and on me.

I'll re-open this thread once I have removed a ton of offensive material.

Obin Olson May 19th, 2005 06:38 PM

4:4:4 single CMOS OPEN thread
Well I guess I will continue here till the other thread gets open.

OK, so I had read about some issues with the ALtasense single CMOS chip having issues with IR light outdoors under sunlight. It looks like the chip has some strange problems with IR in that it will not work with a standard IR cut filter. I called Altasense and they gave me the name of a company that sells a special IR cut filter that works with the 3562 to get rid of this issue. I am very happy about this as I was having some fear that the ALtasense would not work at this time.

We are looking at ways to save data to our disks at the moment. the FPGA has come in UPS so things should start to move along now.

Eric Gorski May 19th, 2005 09:52 PM

glad to hear the altasense should work.. so is the filter optical or is it a chip??

btw, obin.. any chance of you having a 'do-it-yourself' guide for building your camera similar to the micro-35 deal..?? my hope is to still be able to use alot of your insights to construct something alittle cheaper on my own..

thanks and keep up the good fight.

Konst Seraf May 20th, 2005 12:22 AM

Obin, can you suggest, how can anybody get a single 3562?

Obin Olson May 20th, 2005 08:35 AM

A do-it-your-self guide for a FPGA hardware camera? I don't think so!
that is like asking for a do it your self panasonic varicam system...LOL

Obin Olson May 20th, 2005 08:36 AM

if you want a chip all you need to do is order one from any of the chip makers..not hard at all..the altasense chip with nothing to work with it but a serial port is $1500

Chris Hurd May 20th, 2005 09:03 AM

Thread re-opened (and the other Obin thread has been merged into this one).

I had to remove a lot of garbage from a couple of people. In order to avoid problems in the future, please take note. These are not suggestions -- these are RULES:

1. Do not hijack threads. If you want to talk about something else, then start a new thread.

2. No personal attacks. If you have an issue someone, just use the "Ignore This User" feature in your Controls link on the nav bar at the top. You'll never hear from them again.

3. No personal attacks. No flaming.

4. No flaming. No personal attacks. Get it?

5. If you spot an offensive post that you perceive to be a personal attack or a flame against you, DO NOT RESPOND TO IT. Rather, use the "Report This Post" function. I'll come in and remove the offensive material. If you do respond, then you're part of the problem. I'll boot you as well as the other guy. There is NO JUSTIFICATION HERE for escalating a flame war. We don't do flame wars at DV Info Net. That's what makes us different from other message boards.

6. Re-read steps 1 through 5. Thanks,

Obin Olson May 20th, 2005 09:09 AM

every camera has an optical IR cut filter for outdoor sunlight. Altasense is the same, we must buy one and mount it on the cmos

Obin Olson May 20th, 2005 06:19 PM

can anyone here help me understand this chart?

it's for the ALtasense color separation


Obin Olson May 21st, 2005 08:49 AM


anyone see any reason from this image (other then it's a lin-bayer filter) not to use this chip? I am about to buy one!

does anyone have a good bayer algorithm to apply on it?

Kyle Edwards May 21st, 2005 09:20 AM

What was the original resolution of that TIF?

Keith Wakeham May 21st, 2005 09:49 AM

1920 x 1080 with bayer filter is the orginal resolution (procam 3562 has active a little more than 1920x1080, but the few extra pixels would likely be cropped).

Kyle Edwards May 21st, 2005 12:44 PM

There's alot of jaggy edges on that image. It appears it was a lower res then resized larger with a bad resizer.

Keith Wakeham May 21st, 2005 01:15 PM

More likely because of the simple debayer algorithim used. Simple debayer can cause colour fringing and all sorts of artifacts between high contrasting areas.

Obin Olson May 21st, 2005 03:03 PM

I did not know that the color artifacts are from the de-Bayer..I was thinking it was a lens issue ;)

Keith did you happen to pickup and bookmark any of the links for high quality bayer algorithms in this thread? I can't seem to find them when I search...

we will need to try one of them when we can..

Keith Wakeham May 21st, 2005 05:55 PM

So of the colour fringing between high contrast is easily attributed to bad debay. That looks to be the case for that because the fringing isn't as uniform as it would be as a lens issue, but it is hard to tell.

And unfortunately i never did bookmark any of the debayer.

Valeriu Campan May 21st, 2005 11:09 PM

Congratulations and good luck with the new incarnation of your project. Way to go...
Have a loook at this CL script (dcraw) for Linux to convert RAW images from digital stills cameras by Dave Coffin, or look at this page to get more info. Could be a starting point.

Obin Olson May 22nd, 2005 04:07 PM

Jason, have you ever seen footage from the Kinetta camera? I don't know of anyone who has ever seen working images from it..

Régine Weinberg May 22nd, 2005 04:14 PM

nothing at all, the kinetta page has never ever changed,
and footage ?? Maybee I'm to stupid to find one
maybe I'm not reading my SMPTE Mag
but nothing found sorry...
Maybe someone know's if there is a worling
prototype out.....

Juan M. M. Fiebelkorn May 22nd, 2005 04:47 PM

About the board: it is just a development board ($2500).
I think it would be better for you to just make your own.You can find any info you could need about the ADV202 and development boards at Analog Devices home page.
They have good info about the chip.If you need more just ask them and they will gladly help you ;).
They also manufacture a lot of usefull stuff too.Also don't forget to look into Cypress home page.They have lots of stuff included SATA and GigE PHY's...

Steven Mingam May 23rd, 2005 02:54 AM

check out opencores.org, there is a lot of IP for fpga ... like DCT, huffman coding etc ... almost everything to do a JPEG/MPEG encoder.


btw, there is somethings about the Dirac codec on the frontpage, looks like the BBC is really pushing it (already some vhdl code O_O)


i found some raw HD sample.
if anybody want it, they are there : ftp://ftp.ldv.e-technik.tu-muenchen....est_sequences/

Frank Schoerner May 23rd, 2005 08:11 AM

This is my first post, but i read this thread over one year.
It is great to see that Obin will have a own camera. Will this be a one ore 3 x 2/3" Altasens ?
And i asked my self, whats about prices?
My next question is why does his mini itx board not work, even though he said more than on times that it is ready in a few days.

Jason Rodriguez May 23rd, 2005 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by Obin Olson
Jason, have you ever seen footage from the Kinetta camera? I don't know of anyone who has ever seen working images from it..

Yep :)

It will be shipping end-of-year since they're actually waiting for the 3570.

Also for those wondering if there's a "working" prototype, the answer to that is "yes" too. It's very functional and looks/functions great.

Dan Diaconu May 23rd, 2005 08:57 AM

I have tried to watch the HD footage (without success) The extension is .yuv
What program will play those files? Thanks.

Valeriu Campan May 23rd, 2005 04:25 PM

Try GraphicsConverter if you can find it or XnView. Do a search at versiontracker.com for any other image conversion and viewer tools.

Keith Wakeham May 23rd, 2005 04:26 PM

Their are convertors listed under the software directory and use commandline to convert thee files i would assume. I'm downloading a file now to try and see if i can watch or convert it

Steven Mingam May 24th, 2005 01:24 AM

yep, try to use those "yuv2avi" utils listed under "software", but they looks very fishy to me, as i tried them, and got some artefact on the video (or it's wmp9 the culprit and is too lame to resize a 1080p to a 1024x768 display).
If those utilities don't work for you, you can also try to use the ffmpeg project (there is some win32 build) to convert it to anything you want, but if you're not familiar with command line, it will really be a pain in the a** to figure the options out.

You'll need an YV12 decoder too, i use FFdshow for that as it's the best video decoding directshow filter around. With a Xvid/Divx install you should be fine too.

wait, it's the ffdshow resize which gave me artifacts, nothing else.
Those tools work just fine

Obin Olson May 25th, 2005 05:06 AM

what is wrong with the 3562 Jason that makes them wait for the new chip to come out? I am looking to buy the 3562 but now you have me wondering...

thanks for info

Obin Olson May 25th, 2005 05:08 AM

mini itx boards don't have enough datarate to deal with the images we want to see and save in realtime..ou must have a special pci-x card with a built in hard disk scsi, if not you will never display and save in realtime on a computer

Jason Rodriguez May 25th, 2005 06:17 AM

The 3562 is fine, it's just that the 3570 has some more features and some "bug" fixes like any new version of anything. If you're wondering whether there are any show-stoppers, the answer to that is a definite "no". It's a great chip. But Jeff and company have been adding a lot more features, etc. in the meantime to the camera itself, and now I guess they're thinking that they might as well wait for the new imagers to make their package complete.

Dont' expect to get any till sometime next year though-if you want to wait till this time next year for the 3570 then I guess you can wait.

But it would sort of be like waiting for a new Pentium V or something like that, and when that comes around, there'll be something else new.

The 3562 works, and if you want to use it, use it.

Obin Olson May 25th, 2005 11:46 AM

Jason IYHO is the 3562 worth a camera being built around it?. From what you have seen would you shoot with it on any project? or just lowbudget stuff?

I need to get some feedback as I can't seem to get any images from Altasens taken with the 3562...

Jason, again thank you so much for your help as you are the only person I know that has seen 3562 images...

Obin Olson May 25th, 2005 12:03 PM

BTW we are still working with the ATA spec and getting hard disks to write/read data for the system..no real updates at this time ;)...

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