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-   -   4:4:4 10bit single CMOS HD project (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/alternative-imaging-methods/25808-4-4-4-10bit-single-cmos-hd-project.html)

Juan M. M. Fiebelkorn February 5th, 2005 09:06 PM

Who said Epix was capturing 400 Megabytes per second??
I've lost that part.

Obin Olson February 5th, 2005 10:07 PM

I don't care about what they are capturing at...it's not the issue. The problem is the fact that windows can't use the hardware on the 64bit slot. This is a big problem and untill we have an answer for this we can't move forward with our development.

David Farland February 5th, 2005 10:13 PM

Saw it here:

Dave Farland

Wayne Morellini February 6th, 2005 02:19 AM

<<<-- Originally posted by Obin Olson : my programmer says "forget it" if it does not have AGP as he is using DIRectX and we need a graphics card for that...anymore ideas gang? -->>>

AGP on board the motherboard is still AGP under direct X controll (though ussually a lot less efficient AGP which might also be a speed problem).

You are most likely facing some hitch that will be corrected. Ring Epix and DFI and ask them what it could be. It could just be a driver or bios problem that they need to fix, and will when they get around to it, but until they know about it they won't be able, sort of thing.

You have the first board, keep them informed, that is how some companies work, they don't correct things until the users finds out there is something.

All is not lost, just takes time for them to sort out new hardware combinations.

David Farland February 6th, 2005 05:16 AM

The things I can think of-

i.Enable DMA

ii.Try win2K cos this looks like their first xp of the range.

iii.If after 2 days of support/trying, get them to fix it, ship it to them, as WM says you're their beta tester.

iv. Ask them what mobo actually works and get it.
If it's incompatible you're still able to develop whilst your looking for your next sff mobo.

v. Find out from DFI what spec the pci-x slot.

vi. Send the DFI mobo spec to EPIX support this weekend.

vii. Ring your local computer shop/s, tell them your after a pci-x system but only if your board works in it.
Sorta the truth if the DFI doesn't work and you want to continue developing.

In six months this problem will be FORGOTTEN!

Good luck,


Rob Lohman February 6th, 2005 05:36 AM

I can't see how DirectX or DirectDraw are limited to work with AGP.
It is a graphics standard to talk to your graphics card and should
work just as fine with AGP, PCI & PCI Express. Otherwise there
would be no reason for 3D cards to be out on all those platforms!

Eric Gorski February 6th, 2005 02:44 PM

was the whole 'altasens' thing just an april fools joke?

Rob Lohman February 8th, 2005 04:24 AM

Eric: no, it was delayed and from the last I heard it should be
shipping soon. But, this is a highly specialized market, so delays
can and will happen. If you can't be patient this game is not for

Obin Olson February 8th, 2005 11:26 AM

trying to make headway with DFI and Epix still....

in the meantime.....

We are working on getting 16bit tiff export..we had it but found out we had tiff files that had been broken down to 8bit then saved as 16bit..this will not work...we need an SDK or codec that will provide FULL 16bit data.. anyone know of a 16bit codec/SDK I can send to our programmer that will deal with the data without loosing bitdepth?

thanks for any help with this one...

I can post a raw file for anyone that needs it...

Kyle Edwards February 8th, 2005 09:34 PM

post away.

Jason Rodriguez February 8th, 2005 09:40 PM

Doesn't libTIFF support 16-bit files?

Obin Olson February 8th, 2005 09:41 PM

I am not sure Jason..can you give a link and I will forward that

Ok the LIBtiff is what we are using now...seems that we are still getting the 16->8bti->16bit issue..I have sent an email to Frank over at LIBtiff...lets see what he says...

Obin Olson February 8th, 2005 10:32 PM

From Libtiff:


Hmm, depends a bit on which SDK of mine you mean.

Libtiff will read and write 16bit TIFF files losslessly, but you
must take some care not to use the RGBA interface (which
converts to 8bit). Instead use the TIFFReadEncodedTile()
and TIFFReadEncodedStrip() functions. Libtiff does not provide
any real "processing". It is just a TIFF read/write library.


I also have an SDK called GDAL for reading, writing and
operating on Geospatial raster data. It supports 8, 16, 32bit
and other datatypes and can preserve the original data type
throughout processing. However, based on what you have said
I suspect you are looking for a generic image processing
capability, not a geospatial one. If so, GDAL likely has
little to offer you with the possibly exception of being
somewhat easier to use (though much bigger) than libtiff.


Best regards,

good stuff.......

Rob Lohman February 9th, 2005 07:06 AM

If all else fails it wouldn't be too hard to write a TIFF writer
yourself (or your programmer). I wrote a little TIFF reader (which
is much harder to do) a while back that supported only limited
amount of options, but did work. TIFF is a more complicated
format than say TARGA, but for writing it should be pretty simple
to roll your own.

Obin Olson February 9th, 2005 09:00 AM

ok so at the moment we have working 720p 12bit 4:4:4 preview - capture - record

I think I will have a working 16bit tiff export in a few hours.. once we have that I will shoot some more footage for everyone to check out and play with ;)

still waiting for DFI

Obin Olson February 9th, 2005 06:32 PM

DFI is sending me a new board for testing - if that does not work I will be in contact with the BIOS programmer at DFI

we should have tiff working now. I am not at the office so i don't know if the office machine has an update for the tiff stuff in the inbox...

Obin Olson February 13th, 2005 06:24 PM

ok I needs some FTP space with a login and password..
someone willing to host for me?
recording 12bit 1080p 12fps images on 32bit pci!

Wayne Morellini February 14th, 2005 06:39 AM

I don't have those, but I have been meaning to get around to checking out this service for the group:


I'm sure it is not the only one, and something might have a bit more GB. Pity we can't setup a download network (like they do with program downloads) using people's accounts (free accounts in this case).

By the way what happened to Rob.S.

Going to email him?

Kyle Edwards February 15th, 2005 06:36 PM

still no footage online? i'd love to check this out.

Obin Olson February 16th, 2005 08:18 PM

well well ..the 64bit card is working now(after a re-install of XP)..we have Xcap running the 3300RGB camera at 79mhz! at full resolution with a RGB color display 12bit! this is good news BUT we are now having issues with RECORD from our software..seems that after about 5 sec of recording the thing starts to slow down the preview and then will FIFO on this card also...the pci-x slot is a VERY fast slot and the fact that Xcap runs at 79mhz 12bit tells me this is OUR issue not the board or hardware..we are looking at what is going on...more when I get it...

update: looks like it could be an issue of the XCLIB SDK not supporting the 64bit card yet..or we have an old version with old DLL files...I hope!!

bought a 25mm Pillard film lens on ebay for testing and it's CRAP..god it's so soft!! anyone have some idea for a good cheap test lens?

Joshua Starnes February 16th, 2005 08:32 PM

Schneider. The Xenon's and Cinegon's are about as good as you're going to get in a c-mount. You should be able to find a 25mm or 50mm pretty easy for between $100 and $300.

If you can't find what you want on eBay, trying looking at Igor's Camera, (www.igorcamera.com) I've gotten good deals on used lenses from there in the past, and the lenses were fine.

Obin Olson February 17th, 2005 12:03 AM

I feel like last of the dead in here..anyone awake and ALIVE anymore? Rob? Steve? Even Wayne?? Jason?

We are so close now it's SICK..I can FEEL victory in my bones!

the 64bit card is so FAST! 24FPS 12bit should NOT be any issue for this thing..and the Dothan CPU is FAST and cool running..

again..can someone provide some FTP space?

Kyle Edwards February 17th, 2005 12:15 AM

how many megs will be your upload?

Obin Olson February 17th, 2005 12:17 AM

I am not sure..but I will try and keep it small..stills and some video in the windows media codec

Kyle Edwards February 17th, 2005 12:20 AM

If you let me know exactly how much, I can probably get you a host.

Jason Rodriguez February 17th, 2005 01:19 AM

I'm here Obin :)

Just my throat hurst and I can't sleep :(

Like everybody else, I'm just waiting to see some more tantalizing stills :)

Dan Diaconu February 17th, 2005 07:53 AM

Try them:


Wayne Morellini February 17th, 2005 10:19 AM

<<<-- Originally posted by Obin Olson : I feel like last of the dead in here..anyone awake and ALIVE anymore? Rob? Steve? Even Wayne?? Jason? -->>>

Hey why did you put poor Jason after me ;)

You are allways going to get FTP problems because raw files are huge, and tons of people downloading will max out the account. I suggest you mirror if you can and use a lot of sample stills and a few sequences of good short shots, like you did with the 1300.

I wonder if dvinfo.net might host them, they do that already with the DOF adapters.

Ohh, and check this out, a new Micron 2MP sensor:


I know it might be optimal lighting, but I think it is remarkable for a cheap phone sensor. It will be interesting what they come up with in the future in the video sensors.


Obin Olson February 17th, 2005 10:49 AM

wow that is a nice cell phone image! I love CMOS..so much nicer then CCD

Chris Hurd February 17th, 2005 10:53 AM

I might be able to do some hosting, but it would need to be limited to one or two of the very best clips, and I would need to know the file size (the weight) of the clip in advance.

John Logan February 17th, 2005 12:18 PM

Again Sorry Obin , I checked the provider of the ftp account and it does not allow uploading if the domain is not .fr

But an idea :
seed a torrent !

Jason Rodriguez February 17th, 2005 01:48 PM

Okay Obin,

I can host for you, although I'm on a DSL line, so it's not perfect (1.5Mb/s). But I think it should be good for about a week.


user: windowsfs
password: windowsfs

Just upload as you please, but again, beware that I'm not on a T1 (but I'm almost as fast)!

Also don't use the drop box.

Also by next tursday I'll be taking it offline, since I don't want my machine as a true FTP server.

Rob LaPoint February 17th, 2005 04:43 PM

Obin, have you done any work on a case design yet or are you strictly working on getting everything working first?

Oscar Spierenburg February 17th, 2005 05:28 PM

That made me think, how is your design Rob?

Obin Olson February 17th, 2005 08:15 PM

no case design yet..taht will be the easy part of this project!

I think we found the problem with our current display issues..looks like with the new cl2 64bit card you must use the newer SDK XCLIB kit..we are still using an older one in the compile that we are working with now...i will know soon if this is the issue and then i can shoot stuff with no dropped frames low cpu usage and full motion preview!..then i will psot some raw some tiff and some wmv video..

I can't tell everyone how glad I am our 64bit card is working..that problem almost put a lid on this project for good...

I am sending the crappy lens back and getting a Kern Pillard lens instead...

I would be happy to let some people try the software as soon as we get the basics really working well..you would need to buy a SI 3300RGB and a Epix CL2 card to use things..or you could get a 1920HD ALtasnse from SI! but that will cost a bit more

Rob LaPoint February 17th, 2005 09:03 PM

Thats awesome Obin! I can't wait to check out the footage (now I only need a monitor to display it!) As far as looking for beta testers I would definitly be interested. How much was the Epix card?

Ocar are you wondering how my design is going? The only thing that I am currently designing is a mattebox w/follow focus and some motion control equipment. I am not sure that I ever mentioned the motion control on this board because its not exactly 'alternate imaging' Anyway, its going well, I've been a bit busy the last few weeks, but I am controlling motors with the computer fine. I am almost finished with my first CNC mill, which was half for education half for using to build new mounts and stuff. I will post something when I actually have a piece of working camera related equipment.

Kyle Edwards February 17th, 2005 10:41 PM

<<<-- Originally posted by Rob LaPoint : Thats awesome Obin! I can't wait to check out the footage (now I only need a monitor to display it!) As far as looking for beta testers I would definitly be interested. How much was the Epix card? -->>>

Looks to be around 450 dollars US.

Valeriu Campan February 17th, 2005 11:59 PM

I could host some files also, until the end of the month after Jason...
I'll email the info for uploading if you are interested

Ed Smith February 18th, 2005 04:53 AM

I've been following this discussion on and off, but have never posted on it before now. It sounds like a really interesting project.

If you need any help with the design of a case to house the bits I am more than willing to create some pre-visuals (provided you supply me with dimensions and pictures of the components).

Good luck!

Rob Lohman February 18th, 2005 04:59 AM

Obin: just wanted to let you know I'm still here. Don't know what
happened to Rob S. though. I just don't have the money to get
the gear needed, so I can't support everyone much. Sorry.

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