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Marto Lautz September 30th, 2004 03:56 PM

get this clear out
Hi, I have been intrested in this project since I found vence camera 3ccd 1/2 inch I think a year ago.
well now i think I'm ready to have my own one.
Have the mony and the skills to do any mecanical and electric work but not idea off programing.
So i have checked sumix and SI web pages and both have great solutions 1st quest
witch ccd is the best?
I'm looking for a 1 cmos ccd proyect.
maybe the best would be going for SI because of the gygabite interface that aloud for a low profile computer to run it (power is an issue for a portable camera) also i have chaqued the soft they have and it seems that they offer the capabilities to record to disk under windows with access to control frame rate and few other setups.
sumix with usb2 suffer of cpu power consuptin also but wich is the best ccd and software to record to disk and control frame rate is waht may decide the way to go.
by the way thaks every body for this great contribution to cinema and to break the big movie monopoly.

Jason Rodriguez September 30th, 2004 05:18 PM

The best sensor by far is the Altasens 3560 which will be in the SI-1920, and also a camera by Sumix, although Sumix's ship date is unknown right now. The SI-1920 is over cameralink and gigabit (but the gigabit interface is coming later).

BTW, you might want to check out the SBC83850 from Axiomtek, it's ideal for this project with dual SATA channels and a PCI-X slot for a 64-bit framegrabber.

Laurence Maher September 30th, 2004 09:47 PM

When is the SI-1920 supposed to come out?

Marto Lautz September 30th, 2004 10:02 PM

Hve you check this driver any ideas of how to aply it to a cmos censor
orange micro
400 Mb/sec. IEEE 1394 compatible (camera consumes only 200 Mb/s bandwidth)
Non-compressed full-motion digital video at rates of up to 30 Frames/sec @ 640 x 480 depending on your system configuration
1/4" Color CCD Image Sensor
62 degree angle of view
Effective Pixels: 659 x 494
PCI 2.1 Compliant
Frame size up to 640 x 480
Focusable lens from 1cm to infinity
Supports YUV 4:1:1, YUV 4:2:2, YUV 4:4:4, and RGB 24-bit formats
Millions of colors (24 bit)
Supports Plug-and-Play specification
Supports up to 2 cameras per bus simultaneously
6 foot cable with 6 pin IEEE 1394 FireWire connector
Package Includes:
iBOT FireWire Web Cam
Software CD with drivers

Marto Lautz September 30th, 2004 10:06 PM

are SI suplying software for the camera ?
How it would work?

Jason Rodriguez September 30th, 2004 11:06 PM

Thy guys here on the list like Rob S., Rob L., David Newman, and Obin are supplying software, although there is other software you can purchase.

The SI-1920 should be shipping by the end of October.

Hook the camera up to a PC and have fun!

Rob Lohman October 1st, 2004 04:19 AM

Just note that we are actually still *working* on this software.
It isn't out yet. It does work already though!

Laurence Maher October 1st, 2004 05:37 AM

Will the SI-1920 be a rolling or global shutter? How many stops of latitude do they predict?

Jason Rodriguez October 1st, 2004 07:33 AM

Rolling shutter, although when you run it at a high enough Mhz, that's no longer a problem.

Also I've gotten 10 f-stops out of the chip at around ISO 500-type noise/grain, so there's lots of dynamic range in this chip, able to handle highlights and shadows.

Marto Lautz October 1st, 2004 09:07 AM

then is this chip better then the altens chip ?
I heard that the altens have sensitivity issues.
hey rob s, rob l and david abut the software waht can you guys tell me?
for waht I have read you guys are working on a camera friendly user interface is taht right,

Rob Scott October 1st, 2004 09:38 AM


Marto Lautz wrote:
then is this chip better then the altens chip ?
From what I know, the AltaSens check has far better image quality.

for waht I have read you guys are working on a camera friendly user interface is taht right
That is correct. Rob Lohman and myself have been working on a two-part system.

The Capture app (ObscuraCap) is like the camera's firmware and is designed to be as user-friendly as possible. It captures the frames and writes them in lossless, raw form to disk. Sort of a "digital negative."

The Convert app (ObscuraConvert) "develops" the raw files into formats that are more suitable for editing. It is currently command-line only, so it isn't quite so user-friendly. But it will be released soon as open-source (GPL) so a UI (and lots of other features) can be added to it.

Steve Nordhauser October 1st, 2004 09:40 AM

Altasens - 1920HD
The SI-1920HD is based on the latest Altasens (3560, not the older chips). Jason has all his facts about this exactly correct including the expected ship date with the newest sensors. Software supplied from us tends to be interface specific - either what you get with the gigabit or frame grabber and is very industrial. That is why we have people here working on cinema/broadcast solutions.

If you are not joining in on the development, I would suggest letting the people doing the software have about another month unless they invite beta testing. Right now the work is being done on the SI-1300 (720p), may move to the SI-3300 (1080@24fps) and certainly will end up at the 1920HD.

Marto Lautz October 1st, 2004 06:52 PM

Thanks Steve,
Sound like i would have to wait, any way I don't know much about programing but in electronics and optics I can help,
please let me know if I can contrivute on anything.
may be desing and make a skeleton ergonomicaly for the camera because i have tools to cast and weld aluminum my best camera that I have used ( I'm using it at this moment) is aaton.
Altasens chips are working at with sensitivity at the moment with an acceptable noise rate?
I may can have involved a friend that do programing.
waht is the plataform you are building the interface on linux well UI I think is cross plataform unix osx linux if I'm not wrong.

Jason Rodriguez October 1st, 2004 08:32 PM

The Altasens chip can go up to ISO1600 for sensitivity-that's very sensitive :)

Marto Lautz October 1st, 2004 10:34 PM

ya but at cost of gain that means noise.
is there any test pictures ?
it is going to be sell by SI?

Wayne Morellini October 1st, 2004 11:18 PM

<<<-- Originally posted by Jason Rodriguez : The Altasens chip can go up to ISO1600 for sensitivity-that's very sensitive :) -->>>

Yeah, I'm still droolling.

Marto, what you said is right, I would still like to find out what the bottom line is myself. I think Jason mentioned 100db max SN in the other thread, at that level you are putting 12-bits=approx 72db, allowing for 18db gain before it affects the bottom bit on average, that would be extrordinary (-ingly usefull).

Wayne Morellini October 1st, 2004 11:28 PM

Hey, does anybody know of a site that tells you the performance curves of human vision, the books here are not good enough? I am interested in how resolution, range and sensitivity of the luminance and chroma change with brightness.

Jason Rodriguez October 2nd, 2004 12:04 AM

I thought the noise levels of the chip when the gains were set to 0 to be very acceptable, and the dyanmic range was terrific.

Obin Olson October 2nd, 2004 10:44 AM


Looks like I will be shipping the 3300 and Epix frame grabber off to the software developer for final work..we can no longer do all the testing via remote over the internet ..the software writer needs to see the issues with display and capture ...I will keep everyone posted as always ;)

Wayne Morellini October 3rd, 2004 10:51 AM

Community Tech Update:
I have just posted a few things on a lowend camera in the tech thread, it's pretty high minded stuff, and not helped much by the 5+:1 Jpegs, but worth looking at.


Wayne Morellini October 5th, 2004 02:05 AM

In totally useless information:
Rob.s, can we have a RAW capture for this camera:


Now if we "dropped" into a few politicians' press conferences with that, it would sure solve a few problems (and make some pretty flat debate) ;)

Rob Scott October 5th, 2004 08:14 AM

Re: In totally useless information:

Rob.s, can we have a RAW capture for this camera:
Sure, no problem. But I think the frame rate will be pretty slow, given a frame size of 100K x 100K :-)

Obin Olson October 5th, 2004 11:16 AM

Rob S. how is your capture app doing?

are you getting good preview framerate out of it yet?

Rob Scott October 5th, 2004 11:19 AM


Obin Olson wrote
are you getting good preview framerate out of it yet?
I have been so snowed under I've barely worked on it for about a month. I'm getting around 25 fps on the preview. A little bit of lag, but not bad -- it's hard to tell exactly how much.

Jason Rodriguez October 5th, 2004 09:22 PM

When you mean "not much", is it noticeable? Or is it just a slight amount that is barely noticable? Does the lag reduce if you turn off the color preview and simply go black and white?

BTW, do XCAP or StreamPix have lag in their previews? Just curious.

Obin Olson October 6th, 2004 11:05 AM

everything has lag Jason...that is jsut how it is

Jason Rodriguez October 6th, 2004 03:19 PM

Yes, I realize that everything (electronic) will have lag, but the chief issue is HOW MUCH lag.

I don't mean to be making this an issue, but it can quickly become one if there's too much lag to follow fast action. In other words, if you're 5-6 frames behind, that can become quite a hinderance in recording fast moving footage.

Obin Olson October 6th, 2004 05:23 PM

HUGE progress today!!

things have been reworked and the CineLInk is looking REALLY good..gone from 100% CPU on preview to about 40-60% cpu..frames are SMOOTH now and the image slicing is GONE..not much time now..I will update later...I am excited!! Steve, don't choke on that muffin! :)

Jason Rodriguez October 6th, 2004 05:33 PM

Hey Obin,

Great news!

BTW, if you can, how many fps are you getting to your hard-drives? I know you said as many as you want, but realistically how many, at least with the SI-1300? Also are you still recording RAW files, or is there another format that you're exporting to?

Also how fast is your CPU?

Obin Olson October 7th, 2004 12:06 AM

I have a glitch in this beta I just got but I should get around 30-50fps 720p on a fast SATA disk drive...maybe more with that special 10,000rpm drive someone was talking about on this board...plus it will save images on 2 disks at a time. This will speed it up alot..I will let you know

still RAW files and converting them into tiffs 8 bit at the moment..very soon 16bit and quicktime Sheer or any Quicktime codec you want ;)

CPU is a 3ghz tower machine at the moment...will be a Mobile Intel 2.6 or 2.8ghz on the micro board

Rob Lohman October 7th, 2004 03:49 AM

26.37 - 43.95 MB/s sustained on that SATA drive Obin? Which
drive is that?

Obin Olson October 7th, 2004 07:06 AM

I get 26-30MB sec on a standard SATA disk drive 50-60MB/sec on 2 drives

I will test the 3300RGB today with 1/4 quad preview and see how that is...and we are working on the "bug" that is not allowing save-to-disk

Rob what is the datarate of the 3300rgb 1080x1920 12bit raw at 24fps? and what is it at 8bit 24fps?

don't we have a table on this board with all the real-world datarates of the SI cameras?

Jason what was the link for that tiny motherboard..it's about time for me to order one ;) for testing!

I know it was not this board:

Rob Lohman October 7th, 2004 09:59 AM


Again, your programmer should easily be able to supply you with
such a table. But here are your answers:

1920 x 1080 @ 24 fps : 12 bits in 16 bits = 94.92 MB/s
1920 x 1080 @ 24 fps : 12 bits packed = 71.19 MB/s
1920 x 1080 @ 24 fps : 8 bits = 47.46 MB/s

Obin Olson October 7th, 2004 10:15 AM

so RAW 12bit would be 71MB/sec?

Rob Lohman October 7th, 2004 10:29 AM

If you pack it (ie, not put it in 16 bits), yes.

Jason Rodriguez October 7th, 2004 12:23 PM

the board was the SBC83810 from Axiomtek


hope that helps (and hopefully I can start building one soon too :)

Obin Olson October 7th, 2004 12:38 PM

thx Jason that is it

Jason Rodriguez October 7th, 2004 01:30 PM

Hey Obin,

The fastest you're going to get is 2.0Ghz, because you're using Penitum M, not the Pentium 4 M (the Pentium M is much faster BTW, even at 2.0Ghz, and yes, I know, it's confusing).

Obin Olson October 7th, 2004 01:33 PM

do you think the 2ghz M will have enough power for 1080p 1/4 quad preview and raw data save?

Juan M. M. Fiebelkorn October 7th, 2004 05:36 PM

To anybody interested, take note that usually you have a minimum lag of around 20 milliseconds at the video board level.
At least expect to have that delay if everythings works perfect......

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