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Brett Erskine March 11th, 2004 02:54 AM

Send me your email and I'll send you the drawing of the design. In the mean time...
35mm Lens> // ||
// ||
\\ <video camera (E)

One front projection idea I had was to use a 35mm lens (A) > forward slainted 45 degree two way mirror (B) > white grainless projection surface (C) > directly below the first two way mirror theres another mirror. This one is a regular one way mirror mounted at a 45mm rearward slating position (D) > video camera (E).

Brett Erskine March 11th, 2004 02:56 AM

damn that didnt line up too good. Oh well. Send the email.

Frank Ladner March 11th, 2004 01:00 PM

I found a place nearby that sells a Hoya 58mm Closeup Filter Set, that comes with 3 lenses. I think the lenses are +1, +2 & +4 or something. Anyhow, I have heard the hoya filters mentioned in some of you guys' mini35 devices, so I wanted to get some feedback before I purchase them. I well know that an achromatic/2 element filter would be better as far as the color separation goes, but (and maybe the guys out there with a Canon GL2 can tell me) would this kit be acceptable? Also, what about when they are stacked? Does this introduce vignetting or cause chromatic abbheration to really show up?

Thanks for your help!

Jonathon Wilson March 11th, 2004 04:28 PM

code and /code
by the way - if you wrap up your ascii art in a
code tag (in square brackets) and end it with a /code tag in square brackets, things should line up as you expect. (testing now...)

See this page http://www.dvinfo.net/conf/misc.php?action=bbcode for some info on codes.


    _    ____  ____ ___ ___
  / \  / ___| / ___|_ _|_ _|
  / _ \ \___ \| |    | | | |
 / ___ \ ___) | |___ | | | |
/_/  \_\____/ \____|___|___|

    _    ____ _____
  / \  |  _ \_  _|
  / _ \ | |_) || |
 / ___ \|  _ < | |
/_/  \_\_| \_\|_|

Ari Shomair March 11th, 2004 10:59 PM

My optics knowledge comes from what little I remember of grade 10 science; Can't a dove prism be used to properly orient the image?

Giroud Francois March 12th, 2004 01:33 AM

Yes you are right , there are many prism that could help to have the picture in the correct position.
Unfortunately we are not at the stage where we are looking on how we could do thing (theory), but more in a stage on how we can build it. and unfortunately prism you can find easily and affordably are usually to small for a 24x36mm picture.
If you know a good source for big cheap prism...

John Gaspain March 12th, 2004 02:13 AM

uhhh....people, a X/Y switchable LCD is only about $120, and its easier & better image quality, I dont know why you guys are trying so hard with prisms & mirrors for this magic trick when an LCD is the best answer.


Paolo Rudelli March 12th, 2004 03:39 AM

I agree
I use lcd monitor is just fine
Prism éand other hare to difficult to calibrate for homemade kit

ans light loss to

i think movietube
dont use prisme but only aadiitional viewier

Joe Holt March 12th, 2004 07:26 AM

<<<-- Originally posted by John Gaspain : uhhh....people, a X/Y switchable LCD is only about $120, and its easier & better image quality, I dont know why you guys are trying so hard with prisms & mirrors for this magic trick when an LCD is the best answer.

gas -->>>

Where can someone find this X/Y switchable LCD monitor for $120? Can you or someone provide a link to a source?

To all,

The LCD monitor is the best solution for dealing with the inverted image (for now) but I believe an optical solution is out there. Please don't stop the flow of creative ideas. It's my guess that many of them are untested and so they shouldn't be so quickly and easily dismissed. I agree that it would be fool hardy to run out and buy a $500 prism just to test a hunch. (my pockets aren't that deep) But there's bound to be someone out there who happens to have access to one. What we need is more testing and more sharing of results. It would be nice to know exactly how many functioning adapters are out there and what those builders did to correct the common issues with this type of adapter. Hotspotting, vignetting, inverted image etc. I'm new to this forum so I'm not too savy on what is possible but could we create a survey to see who's building what. It would be nice to know which cameras are being used.

on another note:
Has anyone ordered 5 micron grit from www.gotgrit.com yet? I just ordered some two days ago. I now believe Frank was originally right about the gray 1000 grit AO from Rock Shed. I too am noticing some varient scratches that could only be caused by a large particle. (I was being careful, following my own sugestions posted here) I don't think it is anything against Rock Shed but I now understand that the blue AO (I think that is what they call the gray colored stuff) is not consistant enough for optical work and that you need white AO. Got Grit is entirely based on telescope making supplies and only deals in white AO. After thinking about it for a minute, it makes sense that someone wanting to polish stones in an agitator isn't going to be as picky about how refined their grit is. So from here on, I think we should advise all to use only white AO for glass grinding. I'm still looking for a source for 3 micron AO. anybody have a source?

Paolo Rudelli March 12th, 2004 07:39 AM

the link

120$ 5"6 TFT monitor

I find in europe 7" monitor for 120€

I dont think stop creativiti
but for me te mini35 it to make movie is not for losing 2 year to bild up .
If some can do whit prism etc etc...
But me for now i already use for real.

PS i even use whit Super8 camera and videotap is fantastic....

Link for AO grit 1000 in canada (only french english page is not working

Jim Lafferty March 12th, 2004 09:35 AM


Where can someone find this X/Y switchable LCD monitor for $120? Can you or someone provide a link to a source?
I'll second that loudly -- care to show us a link John? Please make sure it isn't 7" -- I'm looking for something in the 3-4" range...

- jim

Alain Dumais March 12th, 2004 10:18 AM

Paolo Rudelli
i think movietube
dont use prisme but only aadiitional viewier

I have take a look at this movi tube, and I am almost shure that they use a 45 degre prism.


Alex Raskin March 12th, 2004 10:23 AM


I'm working on your adapter for HD cam (see here) and have a question:

- Have you tried to use Nikon focusing screen as Ground Glass?

I found that the focusing screen (I use type D, plain matte) has a very visible grain. Do you think the grain can be eliminated by further refining the matte with the aluminum oxide powder? (I do have some on order, but they haven't shipped it yet.)


Alain Dumais March 12th, 2004 10:51 AM

Alex Raskin
I haven't seen this focusing screen but I am pretty shure you can.

All the focusing screen I have seen even Hassel blad are not fine enought for that.


Paolo Rudelli March 12th, 2004 11:55 AM

Alex ,

i work whit a Nikon type D focusing screen



the grain is visible under DV camera so i think whil be even more under HD and also the screen is 36mmx24mm not 4/3 ratio

i think the materiel is plastic or somthing else so ginting whit AO i don't know if is working


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