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Vincent Rozenberg July 31st, 2007 11:48 AM

New Letus XL owner here; Some lens Questions.
Hi There, got some questions about a lens kit I'm purchasing now here and there. Here and there you see that most people have a basic kit consisting of a 28 - 50 - 85 -105 mm lenses. So in XL flip terms, that will be a 14, 24, 40ish and 50 mm lens then. But about every 14 mm lens I see on the web is a Fish eye lens, I think that's the nature of it, but how does that hold up on a Letus XL? Does it look awkward (fish eye) or does it look like a 28mm lens?

Cary Lee July 31st, 2007 03:58 PM

It would look very awkward unless you plan to shoot your subject at extreme closeup. Also the barrel effect will be very noticable and the image is totally different from the 28mm lens.

Vincent Rozenberg July 31st, 2007 04:11 PM

Thanks, so in fact there is no 28mm equivalent for the Letus then?

Bob Hart July 31st, 2007 05:27 PM

Nikon has a 14mm f2.8 non-fisheye (rectilinear) lens. Sigma used to but ceased production of it about 6 months ago or longer, however they may turn up secondhand.

They are not cheap and have to be carefully used as the front optic is almost hemispehircal and easily injured as it is exposed and unprotected unless capped.

Nikon and others also do a 12-24mm zoom however it is f4 and digital-only so would not be much good on the Letus35 due to likely fixed pattern artifacts. This lens also has no aperture ring, fully auto only so the aperture lever has to be wedged open.

The backfocus on these ultra-wide lenses is very critical. They just will not be sharp without it being spot on.

Vincent Rozenberg August 1st, 2007 05:51 AM

Thanks Bob, I already found a Sigma 1.4 for a reasonable price so it will be in my kit soon...

Marty Hudzik October 25th, 2007 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by Vincent Rozenberg (Post 721633)
Thanks Bob, I already found a Sigma 1.4 for a reasonable price so it will be in my kit soon...

SO did you get this lens and how did it work out?

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