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Aaron Koolen December 9th, 2007 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by Anthony Marotti (Post 789621)

So if I'm reading this thread right, the H2 isn't up to professional quality recording.

Besides not having XLR inputs, is the actual audio quality lacking?

How does it work with professional mics using adapters... professional level results?

The Marantz are known for noisy amplifiers, why would this new unit be any better?


I'm not sure about "professional" but I just tested an H2 and found it more than enough for my podcast needs as far as quality goes.

I was in the store testing it and recorded with levels that were too low (They sounded find in playback from the unit but not once I got them on a computer). I amped them up by about 24dB in Audacity and through my headphones they sounded pretty good.

I was testing the mic mainly about 60cm away as I want to use it as a table mic for a podacast of 5 people, and this mic has front AND back mics. Of course when I moved the mic closer to my mouth it sounded a LOT better.

Look around for samples with it and you'll find some nice results.

Ray Bell December 10th, 2007 06:14 AM

3 Attachment(s)
Here's a couple more options...

Sony PCM-D1
Sony PCM-D50

Andy Wilkinson December 10th, 2007 08:10 AM

Overview of all digital audio recorders - link
It's a couple of months or so old (so slightly out of date) but this is quite a nice overview of what's available.


Anna Harmon December 10th, 2007 11:40 AM

Check it


now mind you I'm a little suspicious about the dude's levels

Andy Wilkinson March 28th, 2008 05:31 AM

CNET Roundup of "Pro" Digital Audio Recorders
Well, some of them at least. Bit scant on information that is easily found. Link below has their review of 2 of the units (Sony and Korg.)


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