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Allan Black July 6th, 2022 09:00 PM

Sound on set.
I thought this would be interesting for young non members and members, interested in starting out with sound on a set …


Allan Black July 25th, 2022 09:53 PM

Re: Sound on set.
Patrushkha Mierzwa mentions the book she’s written titled, Behind the Sound Cart, a Veteran’s Guide to Sound on the Set.

I looked it up on Amazon Australia and it’s expensive at A$104.87. But the Kindle version is A$51.36, so out of interest I bought it and have just finished reading it.

For readers of this thread yes male and female, who are thinking of starting a career in movie and tv sound - this is really an excellent book to read and keep as a reference. Look it up on Amazon.com and read all the references by other professionals … and good luck.


John Nantz July 27th, 2022 03:55 PM

Re: Sound on set.
At 5:52 the author mentions “Best Boy” and describes some typical job duties “and other duties as NOT assigned”. When we watch a movie then read the credits at the end, my wife always notices and comments about “Best Boy” (and Best Boy 2, 3, etc). [no, honey, it’s not what you might think … it’s about wiring, cables and the like, dear]. Patrushkha goes into much more detail about potential duties than I ever realized. Pretty much a catch-all team supporter.

I like not only the way she talks, but also talks about how everyone on the crew need to be supportive, get along, and emphasizes it is a team effort where everybody pulls together. She also mentions about not using the word “Problem” which is interesting because her approach is very personable, as opposed to “Thats not my job”. Her organization and attitude toward work would be benefited by other businesses.

I enjoyed the video.
Thanks for sharing!

Allan Black July 28th, 2022 12:30 AM

Re: Sound on set.
Yes Patrushkha’s book is a great read John, and fun. In Glossary of Terms used on a film set …

A 600 pound chicken - what can it do? - anything it wants.

Mickey Rooney. A slight dolly move-in during a shot.
(a little creep)


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