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-   -   Impedance Matching Cable for Dynamic Mic Connection to G4 Transmitter?? (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/all-things-audio/538312-impedance-matching-cable-dynamic-mic-connection-g4-transmitter.html)

John Molli August 5th, 2021 09:04 AM

Impedance Matching Cable for Dynamic Mic Connection to G4 Transmitter??
I'm ordering a Sennheiser G4 transmitter/receiver set-up. Will I need an impedance matching cable (Kopul?) if I want to plug my dynamic Rode Reporter mic into the transmitter? Or can I just use a regular XLR to 3.5mm cable?

Rick Reineke August 5th, 2021 10:28 AM

Re: Impedance Matching Cable for Dynamic Mic Connection to G4 Transmitter??
You should get a SKP-100 plug on transmitter.
The SK-100 body pack Tx is unbalanced so you need to make or purchase a custom cable, preferably with a bias voltage blocking capacitor. The wiring would be;
XLR pin-2 to the 3.5mm plug's Tip terminal
XLR pins 1 and 3 to the plug's Ring and Sleeve terminals

John Molli August 5th, 2021 03:47 PM

Re: Impedance Matching Cable for Dynamic Mic Connection to G4 Transmitter??
Thanks Rick. Is this cable from Kopul similar to what you suggested? Unfortunately, I can't find the pin-outs for it. Also, will that bias voltage damage a dynamic mic?

Kopul | Technology for Broadcast & Studio Applications')

Christopher Young August 5th, 2021 11:56 PM

Re: Impedance Matching Cable for Dynamic Mic Connection to G4 Transmitter??
1 Attachment(s)
John. If you want a simple and efficient way of doing it follow your own suggestion of using a Kopul LMT100. This is exactly what these were designed for and the price isn't outlandish.

Chris Young


John Molli August 6th, 2021 06:06 AM

Re: Impedance Matching Cable for Dynamic Mic Connection to G4 Transmitter??
Thanks Chris, will the Kopul cable also block the bias voltage that Rick mentioned? If not could that voltage damage my Rode Reporter dynamic mic?

Rick Reineke August 6th, 2021 09:17 AM

Re: Impedance Matching Cable for Dynamic Mic Connection to G4 Transmitter??
in some cases, bias current can produce noise.. I have never heard of it causing damage. OTOH, Phantom Pwr can fry a mic or other device through an unbalanced cable.

John Molli August 6th, 2021 12:58 PM

Re: Impedance Matching Cable for Dynamic Mic Connection to G4 Transmitter??
Thanks to both of you for your help.

Christopher Young August 6th, 2021 08:34 PM

Re: Impedance Matching Cable for Dynamic Mic Connection to G4 Transmitter??
+1 as Rick said!

Chris Young

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