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Basic audio question about attenuation
Hi all,
I am an idiot when it comes to audio but I buy the basic equipment so I can at least have good audio. Just bought some today so the following will soon be my audio gear -Sennheiser wireless lavalier G2 -ZOOM H5 -Line to Mic Attenuatior cable Thing is what is the best setup level-wise. I mean I can decrease the audio level on the receptor and the transmitter. I will have the attenuation cable and I can adjust the record level on the ZOOM. Which one should I prioritize record level-wise? Thanks |
Re: Basic audio question about attenuation
The audio level must be set on the wireless transmitter to avoid over-modulating which will distort the audio.
The audio level on the receiver can be set to whatever level you need to feed into the destination equipment. And often, you have the option of line-level or mic-level. The destination (recorder, mixer, camcorder, etc.) may also have options for line-level or mic-level inputs. Typically, you can set the receiver and the destination equipment to match (both mic-level or both line-level). So you shouldn't need an attenuator. Whether to use mic-level or line-level between the receiver and the destination gear is an experiment only you can conduct with your own unique combination of gear. |
Re: Basic audio question about attenuation
You don't need that att cable. Set the transmitter to -21 and the receiver to -12- this is a good starting point for mic level - plug it in using the supplied treaded cable out to male XLR. plug headphones in th H5 and set the volume level with the wonderful knob.
Sound is very important and you've made a good choice in getting these two items. Good headphones will also help you discern the quality of the recording. Meters only tell you quantity. Meaning the recorder could be getting great levels from the AC vent instead of the intended target. |
Re: Basic audio question about attenuation
I would guess that the preamps in the h5 are better than those in the g2 so I would stay with a g2 output around -12. Definitely don't try and drive that g2 near line level (0) then compensate by attenuating.
Re: Basic audio quesshtion about attenuation
"Set the transmitter to -21 and the receiver to -12, this is a good starting point for mic level"
I would concur with Craig. This would be a good starting point, however it depends on the actual SPL source. BTW, this is not a set-it-and-forget-it parameter.. neither is the frequency selection, both need frequent checking and adj. for optimal performance. If so desired, the receiver can be set to feed a +4dB line-level input by raising the receiver's 'AF output' to +12dB. However on some devices, this may yield a slightly low meter reading and the input devices input level would need to be raised, so mic level settings would be better in cases where clean gain is not available.. typical for budget gear FWIW, I would estimate the G2/3s nominal operating level (with the 'AF output' set to +12dB (max)), would fall around 0dB. (with the x-mitter adjusted properly) |
Re: Basic audio question about attenuation
Thanks fellas!
Rick : I was just looking for a base reference, get used to it and adjust accordingly depending on the situation. Looks like I will be stuck with an attenuating cable cause the order has gone through. I shop my gear at B&H and I was looking for a Y cable that would also let me monitor audio. They have about 10 flavor of them and they ALL have the -25dB feature. Except one but it's reviews are not all glowing so I went ahead and it the attenuating one. It's this one : http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/906960-REG/kopul_ach4_25mon_line_to_mic_attenuator_cable_with.html Do you know of one such Y cable that works fine but doesn't attenuate? Thanks |
Re: Basic audio question about attenuation
That cable is designed to go between an audio recorder output and a camera with mic-only audio input and no headphone output, like a dSLR. You haven't mentioned if you are using this audio gear with a camera and if so what model.
Re: Basic audio question about attenuation
Sorry about that.
Yes my camera is a Canon 60D Is this a good buy then? |
Re: Basic audio question about attenuation
A radio mic system is actually 2 electronic devices....The transmitter (Tx) and the receiver (Rx).
Firstly you need to set up part one.... the Tx levels need to be set correctly (not over driven and not to low) and thats why there is a level adjustment that can be changed. For example a loud yelling man will need a different setting than a nervous bride saying 'I do'. Most Tx units have some metering or lights to indicate levels and when they are over the correct input gain. When you have part one set correctly it sends it via a radio frequency to part two the receiver Rx, this receives the signal and then sends the audio signal out.... the output level can be adjusted to suit the needs of the camera / mixer input. Some cameras need mic level (most DSLRs are like this) and other cameras can handle 'line' level. So a well adjusted 'system' is a combination of both of these units set correctly, the TX and Rx. Leaving them on a medium 'preset' level is like setting a cameras focus / iris to a medium setting and hoping for the best. The key thing is to monitor the audio with headphones.....ALWAYS. You wouldn't use a camera without a viewfinder would you? Radio mic systems aren't hard to set up....infact a lot simpler than a camera (tripod setup / leveling, balancing, correct color temp, iris settings, framing, resolution etc etc) The Sennheiser manual has very good instructions on how to set the system up properly. |
Re: Basic audio question about attenuation
Thanks Brian, indeed the manual offer loads of information but my gripe was about how to reconcile all attenuation across four different devices and which one should I prioritize and this is not covered in Senn's manual :)
What about the pilot, is that a test that you do before every shoot like a white balance or it is to be used in special circumstances only ? Thanks |
Re: Basic audio question about attenuation
You don't need the splitter cable between the recorder and the camera to be able to monitor your recording. The H5 has both line and headphone outputs. Using a straight through attenuating cable connect the line out of the recorder to the camera's mic input. Meanwhile connect your headphones to the recorder's headphone output. Set the transmitter level for the maximum deflection of the meter without lighting the 'peak' indicator (a rare flicker is okay). |
Re: Basic audio question about attenuation
<duplicate post - deleted>
Re: Basic audio question about attenuation
The process is known as gain staging, that is, you set appropriate settings at each stage. E.g. the transmitter attenuation is setting the preamp gain for a particular mic and sound source. If you do it correctly, its affect on what happens three steps down the chain is preserve quality. At the risk of repeating what the knowlegable posters wrote above: In gain staging, you start at the source and optimize each stage, in order. 1. transmitter gain/att. This puts the mics signal in the sweet spot of the transmitter's processing. Set it too low; you'll get more noise. Set it too high; the system will be overloaded and you'll get more distortion. 2. Receiver AF output gain/att. Just a volume control. Here you look towards the device you're feeding. Does it do better with a hotter or colder signal? Typically you don't want a setting on the Receiver where you'll have to boost it a lot on the Zoom H5, as that tends to bring up the noise in the Zoom's preamps. One method during setup would be to set the Zoom to 50, then bring up the receiver gain until source audio peaks at -12db on the meters. Then, during operation, only touch the recording volume on the Zoom as needed to keep the peaks at -12 or so. 3. Your 60d only accomodates a mic-level signal at its input. The attenuating cable will take the low line level out of the Zoom and pad it down to mic level. As Steve wrote, the Y for monitoring with headphones isn't needed for this particular recorder, but it should work just fine. 4. The 60d's recording level is difficult to get to unless you've installed Magic Lantern. It's in the menus, and you can't adjust it or see meters while recording. The glories of using a still cam for video ;-( This is one of the reasons you're using an external recorder. But, you do want a good signal here, too, that peaks at -12db or so (between too noisy and too overloaded), so you can use the recording for synchronization in post... and if something goes wrong with the Zoom you have a backup. So, do adjust it appropriately when you set up, then during the shooting you're looking at the Zoom's meters and adjusting gain as needed there. The 60d is downstream of this, so you're also appropriately controlling the recording on the cam. (I recommend manual recording level on the 60d. If you *do* need to use its recording for something, the quality will be much better on manual than auto) Please review what I wrote above - start at the source, then set the levels at each stage. Don't jump around. This is gain staging. Its purpose is to set the output of each stage to a level appropriate to the input of the next stage. Get to the sweet spot between low-noisy and high-distorted at each stage. Leave pilot tone switched on... learn to rig the mic (search this forum)... wear the headphones always... don't forget to hit the red button! |
Re: Basic audio question about attenuation
Re: Basic audio question about attenuation
Gee, thanks guys that is AWESOME info!
Of course when will come the time that a client's need is a tad too complex, I'll simply hire a sound man ;) What about in post : -Do you normalize or not? -Also, say I record and interview with my G2 plugged in the ZOOM, this will give me a mono track. What is the best course of action in post : A) Duplicate the layer and put one on the left and the other on the right OR combine the channels to it get to be "stereofied" instantly? To be honest I don't hear any difference one way or the other but thought I might ask Thanks again |
Re: Basic audio question about attenuation
Sometimes, yes. Despite internet rumors to the contrary, normalization does not change the signal to noise ratio. It may make the noise floor more audible, so would any other method of turning up the volume of that track. And that's the point - it's just a volume control. In typical peak normalization, the clip will be scanned, the highest peak will be found. Then, a volume setting is computed and applied that will raise the highest peak to a pre-determined level. Sometimes you can assign that level, depending on the particular NLE or DAW or filter you're using. E.g. for a multitrack recording where I've recorded one track out of 16 too low to work with easily on the timeline, maybe I can't see a good waveform display, a quick normalize to -9db will get me in the ballpark. But this is no different than manually finding the loudest peak and turning up the track gain or clip envelope so that peak hits -9 on playback. I'd use normalize because it's quick. So much for track normalizing. Final mixes may be normalized as well, typically to adjust peak level for different distribution requirements. This is less common, I think, but the method always made sense to me. Quote:
Neither method is optimal... duplicate layers use up more workspace and can slip out of sync, or you might miss the 2nd track when cutting picture. Combining channels to create dual-channel mono (not "stereofied"!) can work fine until you have some noise on the quiet channel, or perhaps a camera mic that you really didn't want mixed in. Then you end up with a noisier track. The best method varies between different NLEs. On some, you would select clip properties, channels, mono, from left channel only. On others, channels, sources, L from Ch. 1, R from Ch. 1. This is assuming your good track was Ch. 1 - Left in the original recording. |
Re: Basic audio question about attenuation
Thank you Seth, your time is greatly appreciated and your explanation illuminating.
I too am a Vegas user, is there a way to set the normalize level in it? Thanks again |
Re: Basic audio question about attenuation
A mono track is all that's wanted from your G3 recordings into Vegas, and would be typically panned to center (which is the default for a 'mono event') Right-click the event and choose "Channel" reveals the contents menu: 'Left', 'Right' or 'Both', choose the track with the 'good' audio.. if dual-mono, choosing either/or, yields a less cluttered TL and really no quality difference.
You can peak-normalize the 'event' by right-clicking the event and choosing "Properties> Normalize> Recalculate". The master buss (or subsequent rendered audio file) could be normalized via a plug-in or done manually with the usual tools. |
Re: Basic audio question about attenuation
Like Rick said...
In Vegas Pro: The key sequence is: right-click on an event, Switches | Normalize. To change this default normalize level, select Options | Preferences | Audio | Normalize Peak Level As per Rick, you'd need a Normalize filter (sony doesn't provide this) to normalize at a media, track, bus, or master level. Those last three would be more typical of shortcutting the setting of peak level for a distribution. I've had very good luck with various free VST filters downloaded from the net... |
Re: Basic audio question about attenuation
Thank you both.
I just received my H5 yesterday and for it's price it is a pretty nifty recorder. Time for experimentation! Now, one thing that has been bugging me for a while. Is there an audio FX's/tweaks equivalent to Levels and Color Curves? I know that this is case by case but let's assume that I did a shoot and the sound is fine but a little more "oomph" wouldn't hurt. Are there in quick and cheap ways (in Vegas) to make it nicer, much like the Levels and Color Curves for the visual? Thanks |
Re: Basic audio question about attenuation
There's plenty of plug-ins that come with Vegas Pro as well as many, many free and pay-for plug-ins are available. Vegas supports both DX and VST audio plug-ins. Frequency equalizers (aka, EQ) and compressor-limiters are the most common for audio post. Knowing how to use these are another story, most have pre-sets which can be a good starting point.
Not sure what you mean by "oomph".. but I would equate it to 'punch', low-mid frequencies around 100-300Hz. |
Re: Basic audio question about attenuation
The audio version is really dynamics and compression, and there are plenty of flavours, so again experimenting. Just be aware that many people have problems hearing compression until it's really OTT. Gentle compression just keeps it to the front, but once you go mad, then all sorts of nasty artefacts creep in. Many people automatically dial in a few D&b of compression and set a particular release, while other like me do it only when it needs it
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