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Tom Bostick December 22nd, 2010 03:48 PM

Need to mic a Basketball Player for a game
So a client contacted me ,and wants me to record him live during his game.

similar to this video:
YouTube - Kobe doin' work trailer 2009

Now whatever mic i get needs to be very light as i don't want it to affect his performance on the court.

Does anyone have experience with this sort of thing?

Or advice on a good reliable mic that could do the job
preferablly under $300

quick answers are extremely appreciated :)

Sam Mallery December 22nd, 2010 04:04 PM


Steve House December 22nd, 2010 04:55 PM

You missed the "under $300" criteria. Not that that is realistic....

Don Bloom December 22nd, 2010 04:56 PM

Sam, absolutely GREAT suggestions and I heartily agree with them. Just 1 thing. The OP asked for something that was preferably under $300.00.

To Tom. There is virtually nothing out there under $300 that will do the job, actually I can't think of anything out there under $300 period.

I think the least expensive would be around the $500 to $600 range whether ot's Sennheiser, Audio Technica, Azden, or something used by by any of the above or AKG or Shure (maybe a VHF unit).

Pretty much ANY decent wireless lav bodypak with a decent mic be it Countryman, Sanken or Tram will do they job but you'd need need to make sure the bodypak is securely attached to the player. Probably somewhere in the undershorts that they all wear now over their supporter and under the shorts. I can't think of anywhere else where it would be secure enough. You'd also need to make sure the lead from the mic to the bodypak is plenty long so it doesn't pull, yank or stretch.

In anycase, if I were you check the for sale forum here and the big auction site that starts with E.
Good luck.

Brian P. Reynolds December 22nd, 2010 05:01 PM

I am involved with placing mics on sport players and umpires [Australian rules football, Cricket, Soccer etc] on a regular basis.
We have used Lectrosonics of various models, Sennheiser, Shure etc.
Get a GPS harness [like a sports bra] that athletes use for training, it has a pouch between the shoulder blades and doesn't interfere with the player at all.
The transmitter MUST be placed into a waterproof housing of some sort, we use a surgical latex glove with just a slit cut in 1 finger to get the mic cable out, the antenna goes into another finger and the wrist gets sealed up with duct tape its then tidied up with electrical tape and placed in the harness pouch.
Have been doing it for many years with little or no problems.
We also often use in-ear receivers a well with an additional pouch sewn onto the harness, the ear piece is taped into the ear with medical strapping tape.
Also use lithium batteries to eliminate a battery change at half time.

Don Bloom December 22nd, 2010 05:07 PM

Great suggestion about the harness, never thought about that. Also the surgical glove idea is really thinking out of the box. Gotta love it. Great ideas.
I doubt I'll ever need to use them for the work I do but still nice to keep in mind. Ya never know when a seminar speaker or a bride might....... ;-)

Tom Bostick December 22nd, 2010 05:23 PM

wow you guys really know your stuff!

thanks so much ,i know next to nothing about mics so this has been really helpful!

oh and i posted at first and sam was so fast to reply that i guess he didn't see my edit that i made a little later with a price range

so thanks everyone ,like i said its greatly appreciated :D

Brian P. Reynolds December 22nd, 2010 05:39 PM

Just another note; Basketball games etc are a nightmare for RF frequencies,can you get to another match prior to the shoot to try your radio mic set up out as its IMPOSSIBLE to change frequencies when its bundled up, on the player and the match has started.
A typical RF setup at a stadium may include...[this is whats used in my city]
3+ [PA mics]
5+ [TV mics]
3+ [Radio network]
5+ [in-ear receivers]
3+ [TV news crews]
3+ [Umpire mics]
So often 20 + radio mic channels / frequencies are involved in a game arena the last thing these guys need is an additional rouge transmitter causing interference so be careful....
Then you have the 2 way radio communications as well.
What you are wanting to do will work well if you do it right,..... do it wrong and you and others will have MASSIVE problems.

Chris Barcellos December 22nd, 2010 07:08 PM

Why not consider a small on person recorder, like the IRiver, or a Zoom H-1 with mic. I did not get out of your post that you wanted to broadcast live, so you could match up the sound later in post.

Tom Bostick December 22nd, 2010 08:09 PM

update ,ive talked this over with the client and we've decided the cheapest way for this to work is if i just record him after the game and then mix it into the audio

thanks again guys

Sam Mallery December 23rd, 2010 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by Tom Bostick (Post 1601117)
oh and i posted at first and sam was so fast to reply that i guess he didn't see my edit that i made a little later with a price range

Phew! My reading comprehension is still intact.

John Isgren December 23rd, 2010 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by Don Bloom (Post 1601111)
Great suggestion about the harness, never thought about that. Also the surgical glove idea is really thinking out of the box. Gotta love it. Great ideas.
I doubt I'll ever need to use them for the work I do but still nice to keep in mind. Ya never know when a seminar speaker or a bride might....... ;-)

On stage the most common waterproofing is to insert the pack into a condom. It is amazing how much some of these actors can sweat!!!!

Don Bloom December 23rd, 2010 04:33 PM

When I needed to I would use a ziplock sandwich bag. The other leaves too many things for the mind to wander too. ;-)

John Kilderry December 23rd, 2010 04:53 PM

I'm late again. A digital voice recorder on the HQ setting with a lav would be servicable, not risk your expensive wireless gear, and run you about $65.00 US.


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