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Nick Reed July 17th, 2004 10:51 PM

AT897 or CS1
I have narrowed my mic choices to these two. My most important priority is small room interviews. Which of these would be the best for that application?

I know there is quite a price difference here, and I hope the 897 will be up to the task but I sure don't want to buy it, only to find out that I misspent my money.

Any other input regarding the comparison of these mics is most welcome, as I will ultimately be using it in a variety of applications.

Matt Gettemeier July 18th, 2004 10:42 AM

The CS1 is the EASY winner. Trust me. You get what you pay for. Also that mic belongs to a small class of mics that have incredible off-axis rejection and the lack of an audible tail (rear pick-up) which is common in cheaper shotguns.

If budget isn't considered then it's not even a fair comparison. CS-1s are being used in Hollywood and on professional sets all over the country. The 897 is a great mic, but it's not anywhere near the same class.

CS-1 vs. the At4073a would have been far more realistic. Maybe you should check out the 4073a because it IS in the class of a CS-1 and it's considered a very good value at the price.

Still, for interiors the CS-1 would easily beat the 4073a. For exteriors it'll be the other way around.

Jay Massengill July 18th, 2004 11:56 AM

I agree with the comparison of shotguns that Matt outlined. I would add though that for small room interviews it's tough to beat a good lav like the AT899 unless this is strictly run and gun with no time to rig the mic on the subject.

Bryan Beasleigh July 18th, 2004 01:03 PM

I could email a cs-1 clip showing it's awsome off axis characteristics and i also have an 899 clip available as well.

Nick Reed July 20th, 2004 11:20 PM

Thanks guys. I was hoping the 897 would not be so heavily outclassed by the CS1 but everyone wants a bargain, I guess.

BTW, I didn't mention it because I was looking for shotgun advice but I do plan to use a wired lav when possible.

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