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Philip Pierloz March 23rd, 2009 01:21 PM

Which of those programs mentioned here can also export in AC-3 (dolby digital) or equally without the need of extra (paid) options

Rick Reineke March 23rd, 2009 03:54 PM

<i>Does Reaper have OMF yet?</i>
Jason (Reaper creator) is working on it.
Vegas Pro-8 can render AC-3 surround files w/o additional $$.

Joe Darmon March 23rd, 2009 04:02 PM

I would throw my lot in with vegas. It can use all the same VST plug ins, and is pretty sweet in my opinion. I run the full Sony Suite with Cinescore, Vegas, Sound Forge, and DVD Architect Pro. (never got ACID down though...go figure) I mainly use sound forge ONLY when I need to do things only a DAW can do, otherwise, I do most of my editing in Vegas (both Audio and Video). The full Suite runs around $1000, but thats everything they make essentially. Vegas has a intuitive surround panner, and runs around $549. Remember, Vegas started as a audio editor, so its pretty sweet for that.

Ken Campbell March 24th, 2009 12:53 AM

We have to distinguish audio aps into two categories: 1) audio editor and 2) music composition. Vegas, which should be classified as an audio editor, doesn't have midi and wouldn't be a great choice for composition. It also doesn't have all the tools for working with loops that Acid, Live or Reaper have.

Since I also use Vegas as my NLE, when I need to do a custom soundtrack I tend to go into Reaper which has a workflow similar to Vegas. What comes out of Reaper then can be tweaked, edited and mastered right in Vegas. Technically, Sony Acid Pro is the same as Reaper but it costs more and has a questionable future.

Brian Luce March 25th, 2009 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by Philip Pierloz (Post 1028680)
In reply of Jon, I know Vegas has some nice audio tools together with it's videi editing. But I think it's kind of stupid having Production premium CS3 and Edius 5 for the video side and then buying Vegas just for using it for it's audio tools inside.

I know some sound guys who do their 9-5 on pro tools but for freelance use Vegas.

I've watched them work on it, something odd about watching them edit sound on a video NLE.

Rick Reineke March 26th, 2009 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by Brian Luce (Post 1033633)
I know some sound guys who do their 9-5 on pro tools but for freelance use Vegas.

I've watched them work on it, something odd about watching them edit sound on a video NLE.

Why is that? Vegas was an audio NLE before they (Sonic Foundry / Sony) added video support. The basic GUI layout is the same since it's inception
IMO .. It does have a few design drawbacks though, but that has nothing to do with the video element.

Philip Pierloz March 26th, 2009 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by Rick Reineke (Post 1033920)
Why is that? Vegas was an audio NLE before they (Sonic Foundry / Sony) added video support. The basic GUI layout is the same since it's inception
IMO .. It does have a few design drawbacks though, but that has nothing to do with the video element.

I sure believe Vegas would do it quiet good in editing and mixing sound, but on one hand I still believe 650€ is a lot of money for audio features in a program that is nowadays mainly a video NLE. Besides I don't think Vegas can handle MIDI, another feature I want to use (in relation with our Yamaha piano) For this 650€ I could buy e.g. Cubase with a lot more audio features included.

Does anybody know if Sonys ACID is comparable in its 5.1 mixing features with Vegas. That a program doesn't seem to have a sure future, is not my biggest problem. For now I plan just to buy one version and use it until my PC dies and when a new PC then wouldn't accept my programs.

Chris Sweet April 2nd, 2009 02:22 AM

Acid fan here

Originally Posted by Ken Campbell (Post 1032437)
Technically, Sony Acid Pro is the same as Reaper but it costs more and has a questionable future.

Few differences, but more interest would be for composers.. Acid can preview audio and loops in the browser auto-beatmapped w/o adding to your sequencer, and play time synced to your project, and also timestretch/compress all audio to the same bpm w/ a few clicks. One developer of Acid now works for Apple, the guy who came up w/ acidized loop technology now focuses on similar Apple Loop utility for garageband, logic etc.

Chris Sweet April 2nd, 2009 02:36 AM

FL Studio
Mildly off topic, but this app can do almost anything musically, has a fully featured waveform sequencer w/ good audio engine.. and starts at $49. However not sure about video formats and BWF.

John Peterson April 5th, 2009 05:13 AM

Have you looked at the freeware Audacity to see if it meets your needs?

Audacity: Free Audio Editor and Recorder


Philip Pierloz April 18th, 2009 01:16 PM

Is there anyone here who uses Cubase 5? I'll probably buy this program, but have a few questions left:
1. What are known issues when importing and playing video within cubase?
2. Is it possible to use my Canopus edius NX express card for ideo view on my external monitor?
3. The dolby digital encoders is no longer available as seperate plug-in. Is it now included in Cubase? If not, what is the best alternative? Maybe third-party programs?

Other concerns left when using Cubase for scoring sound on video?

Thank you

Chris Rackauckas April 18th, 2009 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by Philip Pierloz (Post 1108751)
Is there anyone here who uses Cubase 5? I'll probably buy this program, but have a few questions left:
1. What are known issues when importing and playing video within cubase?
2. Is it possible to use my Canopus edius NX express card for ideo view on my external monitor?
3. The dolby digital encoders is no longer available as seperate plug-in. Is it now included in Cubase? If not, what is the best alternative? Maybe third-party programs?

Other concerns left when using Cubase for scoring sound on video?

Thank you

Video isn't what Cubase is made for. Sure you can get it to work, but not with the add ons that you want here. You'd need Nuendo for the extras. Even a version of Nuendo 3 should be great.

John Willett April 20th, 2009 06:33 AM

I think you can use video in the new Samplitude 11 (due any moment - buy v10 now and you get a free upgrade when v11 is issued).

Great program - I use it.

Paul R Johnson April 20th, 2009 11:45 AM

As a Cubase user, since it was black and white on an Atari - and firmly locked into the update programme, I'm now on version 5. If it helps, I was really happy with SX3, and stayed on this the longest. I'm involved with music technology that's being taught and examined in UK schools and colleges, and there are many Cubase users out there (and Logic for the Mac people). It's quite common for them to be using Cubase to run Video, and it works fine. I've not yet used it on version 5 - I'll open a project from SX3 in it and see what's changed. Midi, is the real strength of Cubase. The audio side does the normal things, but midi is where there are some really useful features. version 5 (and 4) handle midi slightly differently - but the new system will be better, once I've got it under my belt. I keep trying to do things the old way, but I'll get there. One useful thing is that score integration is better in version 5, so you can do audio/midi/video and sheet music production in one package. Cubase can handle software synths, virtual instruments and a huge range of processing (both audio and midi). It CANNOT any longer, handle Direct X plug-ins which is a major problem for me as I have tons collected over the years, and may of these only have paid for updates that will work on 5.

Cubase isn't the best - because there's no such thing. Each has strengths in certain areas, and MIDI to me is one of Cubase's main strengths.

Philip Pierloz April 22nd, 2009 11:10 AM

Hello Paul,

It would be a pleasure if you could try how version 5 is dealing with video and share your experiences. Nuendo is way above my budget and there are a lot of features I wouldn't use, so it would be nice if I could use Cubase for it.

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