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-   -   help/ideas for a phone voice audio filter? (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/all-things-audio/13179-help-ideas-phone-voice-audio-filter.html)

Nick Carr August 12th, 2003 04:32 PM

help/ideas for a phone voice audio filter?
Im editing a film I recently completed, and im wondering how i can give a voice a "talking through the phone" sound - you know, tinny, metallic, etc. Using premiere 6, I imported a clip of my actor reading the part directly into the microphone, then dropped out the bass, raised the treble, and played around with some of the equalizer levels making it very high end - but i'm basically experimenting. the effect is ok, but im wondering if everyone knows something i dont. ive searched online but found nothing, not even a filter to download, so i was wondering what you all do with a situation like this. I kind of think that simply recording the receiver end of a phone while the actor talks is not the best way to do it, but perhaps that's exactly what i should do.


Gints Klimanis August 12th, 2003 04:49 PM

Basically, telephone signal bandwidth is 320 .. 3200 Hz.
You can do this with a high pass filter set to 320 Hz and a low pass filter set to 3200 Hz. 2nd order/2 pole should be strong enough. So, you don't really want to raise the treble. Beyond
that, you can try to boost within that frequency range. A boosting parametric equalizer should do the trick.

Matt Gettemeier August 13th, 2003 10:04 PM

Follow the above selection and then add compression. Should be pretty believable after that. If anybody questions it then they're OCD.

If you're still not satisfied then record it through the phone. If it was me I'd rather err on the side of intelligibility then effect.

Jeremy Jenewein August 14th, 2003 06:38 PM

Dude I just open up soud recorder and save the audio file as 8kbps crap-quality and it sounds good enough for me :>

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