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Marco Leavitt April 28th, 2008 01:16 PM

So the Deva will allow you to output a mix of the different tracks? I don't think the Sound Devices can do that (maybe I'm wrong). That's why I was wondering if I'd need a second four channel mixer in the bag.

Wayne Brissette April 28th, 2008 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by Marco Leavitt (Post 868967)
So the Deva will allow you to output a mix of the different tracks? I don't think the Sound Devices can do that (maybe I'm wrong). That's why I was wondering if I'd need a second four channel mixer in the bag.

Yes, typically what happens is you create a "mix" track on the Deva itself (one of the reasons it is marketed as a 10 channel recorder with only eight analog inputs, although you could in fact use the four digital inputs if you want). The mix track is then sent out to the camera. Now, you don't even have to record this mix if you don't want, you could simply assign the outputs of various inputs to the outputs. It's a very flexible design. However, this is where I'll get into trouble sometimes. I try to give them way too much, when I should just pick one and stick with it. If they want to try to pull out something different, they could do that via the ISO tracks.


Marco Leavitt April 28th, 2008 01:52 PM

That is so cool. I hope this doesn't get me thinking I have to have a
Deva now. :) The SD four track recorder is going to require a small business loan.

Steve House April 28th, 2008 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by Marco Leavitt (Post 868988)
That is so cool. I hope this doesn't get me thinking I have to have a
Deva now. :) The SD four track recorder is going to require a small business loan.

Have you looked at the new SD788T 8-track? ("8-track" always reminds me of my car back in the 60's and pulling stacks of commercial 'carts' in my broadcast daze.) When applying for that loan, in for a penny, in for a pound <grin>.

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