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Matt Newcomb March 6th, 2008 05:51 PM

My soon to be purchase.
I dare you to talk me out of it... j/k, but from what I've read this seems to be a decent mic.


I'll get a fish pole too. I was hoping to spend around $400, so a decent pole will put me right up there. Anyone care to talk me out of it? It will probably just go straight into my XL2.

Edward Carlson March 6th, 2008 06:53 PM

I'll talk you into it. I have the NTG-1 (same mic, phantom only) with the Røde boom pole and dead cat. For the money it's a great mic. The NTG-1 is probably as long a mic as I would want to mount on my DVC30, but on an XL2 the NTG-2 shouldn't be a problem. On a boom with that shock mount it works well, and I have no complaints.

Matt Newcomb March 6th, 2008 07:24 PM

I can't find a rode fish pole on the site, do they just not sell them?

Edward Carlson March 6th, 2008 07:31 PM

I guess not. I think I got mine at DVeStore.com when it was on sale. They are out of the 10' version now, but still have the 7' version.

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