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Daniel Rudd November 10th, 2007 09:52 AM

ADR - Dialogue Replacement : To view or not to view?
Later this week I'll be taking a rough cut of our short film to chicago for ADR with two of our lead actors.

The posts on Dialogue replacement and ADR have been very helpful. Thanks to DSE for the articles, and others for the detailed posts.

In each of the posts, there does seem to be some divergent thoughts on whether or not the talent should see the footage. There probably isn't a clean answer for this that applies to all scripts, situations, actors, or directors.

But I'd be curious to see what kind of results people are getting by approaching ADR in these very different ways.

If you feel like chiming in, it would probably be helpful to give a little background on the project and the actors, and the type of dialogue you were working with.

Emre Safak November 10th, 2007 01:44 PM

I have them view it so they can remember the scene. I record them a few times while they try to repeat it as they watch. Then I record a few takes with the video off so they can create a new performance instead of rigidly copying the old one.

Kevin Randolph November 11th, 2007 09:16 PM

Here's a nice tutorial about ADR from the folks over at Digital Juice that I found interesting:


Hope this helps...


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