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-   -   Ty Fords ENG 44 Review...... (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/all-things-audio/105081-ty-fords-eng-44-review.html)

Chris Soucy October 5th, 2007 04:59 PM

Ty Fords ENG 44 Review......
Anyone know the magic search criteria to get this to surface - I've tried everything I can think of and nada.


PS. Why isn't there a dedicated "Reviews" section in DVinfo?

Chris Soucy October 5th, 2007 07:35 PM

Stand down...................
Google did the business instead.

Thanks anyway.


Chris Hurd October 5th, 2007 09:03 PM

1. So post the link you found for the benefit of the rest of us...

2. In the not too distant future. Coming soon.

Chris Soucy October 5th, 2007 11:24 PM

One link coming up............
Got via rather circuitous means but did the necessary nevertheless:



Exceedingly good news about imminent "Review" section in DVinfo, have felt one was needed for quite some time. Any idea how the categories are going to be labelled?

I'd better start writing!


Ivan Snoeckx October 14th, 2007 04:45 AM

Does somebody know were I can find some detailed pictures of this cheap 4-channel mixer? The ones on the SignVideo website are too small.


Ty Ford October 14th, 2007 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by Chris Soucy (Post 754947)
Anyone know the magic search criteria to get this to surface - I've tried everything I can think of and nada.

PS. Why isn't there a dedicated "Reviews" section in DVinfo?

Hello Chris,

'Cause good reviews cost money. Disgustingly enough, that's part of how I make a living. The publisher pays me. They publish the review. They sell ads to make a profit for themselves and pay me for my time and effort. For magazines, I usually wait a few months before putting the review up on my website.

I asked Chris Hurd about doing this when I signed on here. That was before he had as much advertising as he does now, I'll happily reopen that conversation with him and do the work. He's makin' some money for his effort, why shouldn't I? I've been doing equipment reviews for a living since 1986.

My reviews (the ENG-44 included) are in my articles archive on my site.

Stop by and help yourself.


Ty Ford

Chris Soucy October 14th, 2007 07:23 PM

Hi guys..........

you're right, they are too small. You'd think anyone selling anything would, if using the web, at least provide decent detailed photo's, but, alas, it's all too common for thumbnails and nothing else. Can't help you myself, but why not fire a mail at Sign Video and give 'em a piece of your mind on the subject. They might even send you some decent piccies. If so, post 'em up on DVinfo, will you?


Thanks for the response. Yeah, I know all about the "filthy lucre" that drives professional reviews, and it's perfectly justified if it's someones living/ business.

It has occured to me tho' that, with so many talented and experienced people treading these boards, who handle kit most of us can't even dream of, or do dream of but simply don't understand enough to take the plunge, a dedicated review section open to members to post their own reviews of a favourite bit of kit might go down a treat (sorry about the world record sentence length folks).

I've got an idea for a couple right now in fact. I haven't got a hope of getting them published, but I'm sure they'd go down a bundle if posted up on DVinfo.

As for getting paid to post on DVinfo, hadn't even given it a thought - hmm, wonder how that's going to work out?

It would be nice if there was a review "wish list" (yet another wish list) just to get people thinking - there's probably a heap of people on here would have a stab but hadn't given a thought to writing a review of their favourite whatchamacallit. Make sure the ground rules were pretty well thought out and let 'er rip.

Just a thought. Really looking forward to seeing how it unfolds.


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