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Bill Ritter March 29th, 2007 03:03 PM

HV20 & PP2 Export to Tape - does it work?
If you have an HV20 and Prem Pro 2 - please take a 10 minute clip and see if you can export back to the HV20 from PP2. This is an important question if you want to save your finished project back onto tape.

This is a buy or not buy question.

Bill in Ohio

Bill Ritter April 3rd, 2007 11:12 AM

Please, Please!!!

If you have Prem Pro 2 and either the HV10 or HV20 -- PLEASE try an export to tape from PP2 to the camcorder on a project at least 10 min long. Canon A1 and XL H1 will not do this. If the HV10/20 can, then I plan to buy one as B camcorder and as deck.


Rafael Lopes April 3rd, 2007 02:36 PM

Canon A1 DOES export to tape on premiere. I ALWAYS keep a version on tape after I finish a project.

Bill Ritter April 4th, 2007 05:26 AM

Rafael -

Are you talking about a HD project and is over 10 min in length?

If so, then please tell us everything you set up on both the camcorder and PP2. You are the first person to report success. Several others have confirmed the problem, although one thought he was OK untill he did a longer export.

Bill in Ohio

Lloyd Coleman April 4th, 2007 08:45 AM

I just tried it with my HV10 without success. I tried about 16 min worth of footage in Premiere Pro 2.0. I first hooked my camera up, but since it took about 20-25 min to render the clip I ended up shutting the camera off until the render was complete.

After rendering, I turned the camera on and started the export. Everything went fine for about 5 min, then the camera stopped recording and said to check the DV/HDV connection. I did and tried again. This time it worked for about 6 min before stopping. I noticed that Premiere was still exporting and that if I manually hit the record button in the camera it would continue recording, but would stop again after a few minutes with the check connection message.

It seems that Premiere is exporting O.K. but the camera is detecting a bad connection with the computer. I will check again later with a different firewire cable, however, the current cable has been used to successfully capture many hours of footage from the HV10 and A1 without a problem. I will also try my A1 to see if I have better luck with it.

Update: Just tried Canon A1 with same results as HV10. Works for 5-6 minutes and then says check DV/HDV connection. Next I will try with new firewire cable.

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