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Julian Meli March 5th, 2007 05:37 PM

Best format for storage & .m2t?
Is the .m2t format extension exlusive to Cineform? Or is there something I can download or install for free to be able to export .m2t files in Premiere or even just the native .mpeg files - without going through the Adobe Media Encoder.

I want to save clips I've edited for stock video into its native form again so I can store it. I've thought about it and come to the conlcusion it would probably be best to store the clips in the native format to save on file size, aswell as when needed for later use, I could encode the clip to whatever format I wanted.


Ervin Farkas March 5th, 2007 08:54 PM

Cineform works with .avi files, not the native .m2t.

After editing in PPRO 2.0, you can export as HDV, that's the original format (extension .m2t). What may confuse you is that this option is not under "export movie" but under "media encoder". It will NOT re-encode your clips, it will only render them.

Julian Meli March 6th, 2007 11:48 AM

Thanks Ervin,

Could you tell me which settings I need to select in the media encoder to render out a .m2t file without it being encoded. Which format do I select (mpeg I'm guessing?) and which setting do I choose for it? Thanks.

Chris Barcellos March 6th, 2007 12:56 PM


Not sure if I understand your question, but here goes.

If you are capturing in Premiere, and you are getting a .m2t file, then I am guessing you are not using Cineform. Cineform would produce a .avi file. It would be about 3 time as big as the same .m2t file. I don't recall exactly how Aspect works inside Premiere, but I understand there is probably a separate capture utility that will get you a direct capture from tape to Cineform's codec.

For storing raw HDV footage, your best storage medium is the tape. You can copy a tape for extra backup.

For storage of finished projects, you can edit, and print back to tape, Store your small projects on DVDs as data files, or Store projects and media on hard drives.

Julian Meli March 6th, 2007 03:16 PM

Well firstly, when I capture in premiere I get a .mpeg file - is this correct? My intent's - I want to make a few small edits to the file I've captured and output the small 30-60 second clip back to m2t format, so I can let it sit on my hardrive and use it for later. I'm trying to build a stock footage library.


Ervin Farkas March 6th, 2007 10:34 PM

No Julian, when capturing either directly into PPRO 2.0 or using HDV Split you will get a .m2t file (although m2t is nothing more than an mpeg transport file). To export in the native format, in PPRO 2.0 go to File > Export > Adobe Media Encoder. In the pop-up window under Export Settings chose mpeg2 for Format, and HDV 1080i 60 under Preset - I suppose you're working with an NTSC HDV camcorder since you're here in North America.

Julian Meli March 7th, 2007 08:32 AM

Odd, both times I've captured so far directly into premiere pro 2.0 it has been saving to a .mpeg file. It was only when I used HDlink from Cineform it give me an .m2t file (then encoded it to an .avi file). Maybe I have some settings wrong or something in my PP2.0 - Why is it giving me .mpeg files?

Bill Ravens March 7th, 2007 09:37 AM

m2t files are a subset of the mpeg2(.mpg) standard. I believe the only difference is the file header information telling your computer that it is a video stream as opposed to a file. The file extensions, are, for all intents and purposes, interchangeable and you can rename an m2t file to mpg and it will play.

Julian Meli March 7th, 2007 05:06 PM

Also, is it normal I dont hear any sound when playing my .m2t files in Windows Media Player, and only seem to hear the audio track while in premiere?

Graham Hickling March 7th, 2007 10:39 PM

Transport streams have enhanced error correction for reliable streaming.

"Normal' mpeg files dont use as much error correction, because they are designed for playback from physical media like DVDs and hard drives.

To get audio playback, either install a software DVD player (it should provide the codec your WMPlayer is missing presently) ...... or use the free "Media Player Classic"

Julian Meli March 7th, 2007 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by Graham Hickling (Post 638030)
...... or use the free "Media Player Classic"

If you're referring to start > run > mplayer2
This is what I use, and usually only what I use because it is most stable, and boots quickest. However, this as well doesn't play audio from the m2t files, although it's not really a problem. And I do also have a software DVD player" Intervideo WinDVD 7 can't say I'm really the biggest fan though.

Graham Hickling March 7th, 2007 11:12 PM


Julian Meli March 8th, 2007 08:33 AM

Thanks Graham, I'll check that out.

David Parks March 8th, 2007 09:15 AM

You can capture using CapDVHS. It is a free m2t capture utility. Then you have the raw m2t's for archive and then you import into Premiere.
Also check out MPEG Streamclip, conversion utility, along with the VLC media player (free). MPEG streamclip requires you to download an Apple MPEG component $25. VLC media player plays my m2t's from HD 100 with no problem.

Hope this helps,

Julian Meli March 8th, 2007 09:56 PM

Already have Mpeg Stream clip, excellent little program.

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