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David J. Payne February 17th, 2006 01:18 PM

'frames were dropped' the fault of a new DVDR?
this problem has been annoying me for a couple of hours now and I've researched a lot but cannot find the answer. My canon xl1s has worked fine on my pc through premiere however now it just will not capture. Firstly the capture window (when i change capture settings to DV1394) stayed blank as the footage was playing on my camcorder. Now I seem to be able to capture but only for a second or two. Then the 'frames captured' number remains the same as the footage continues playing back in the camcorder.
I have recently installed a new DVDRW and I have read up about some conflicts that this can cause. I tried disabling this DVDRW in device manager and then opening up the pc and unpluggng the power but neither worked. I have also re-installed premiere but I still only get the second of capture time. The hard disk I am capturing to has 40 GB spare so it cannot be this.
I am desperate to solve this problem so if anyone has any help I'd be most greatful.

David J. Payne February 17th, 2006 03:13 PM

I have just tried using Vegas, Pinacle and even windows movie maker to capture and none of these even allow me to see a preview as I'm capturing. Like in premiere, when I press stop capturing in any of these programs they all say nothing has been captured so its clearly a PC based problem. Is there anything that can be done short of a full format?

Miguel Lombana February 17th, 2006 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by David Payne
this problem has been annoying me for a couple of hours now and I've researched a lot but cannot find the answer. My canon xl1s has worked fine on my pc through premiere however now it just will not capture. Firstly the capture window (when i change capture settings to DV1394) stayed blank as the footage was playing on my camcorder. Now I seem to be able to capture but only for a second or two. Then the 'frames captured' number remains the same as the footage continues playing back in the camcorder.
I have recently installed a new DVDRW and I have read up about some conflicts that this can cause. I tried disabling this DVDRW in device manager and then opening up the pc and unpluggng the power but neither worked. I have also re-installed premiere but I still only get the second of capture time. The hard disk I am capturing to has 40 GB spare so it cannot be this.
I am desperate to solve this problem so if anyone has any help I'd be most greatful.

Premier does this to me sometimes as well, that's why I use Scenealyzer to capture, however in the past I found the booting with the equipment off and then turning it on once the machine was ready and configured to capture seems to have fixed it. All I can say is experiment with turning off and on the gear, eventually you will get it to work. Typically for me the only time this happened was when I tried to capture live video or VHS from my JVC MiniDV/VHS combo deck. Don't re-format, it's not the OS.

Paul Cuoco February 17th, 2006 06:59 PM

Something got screwed up on your 1394 bus. Is your DVDR 1394 or IDE? Is there anything else on your 1394 connections? ipod? Anything?

I had a similar problem and I found I was overloading the 1394 on my motherboard. The only way to fix it was to remove the other peripherals on my USB and 1394 bus until I could install a dedicated 1394 card.

You shouldn't have to reformat your whole system. Have you tried a system restore to a point before you installed the DVDR and see if you still have the problem?

David J. Payne February 18th, 2006 09:01 PM

i havent tried restoring but I have removed my ipod and DVD drive and still nothing. The DVDR is IDE. I'm going to try some more tomorrow but I need to get this sorted quickly! Hopefully the restore will do it.
thanks for everyones help so far

David J. Payne February 19th, 2006 04:05 PM

ok i have tried EVERYTHING. I have uninstalled anything 1394 related and rebooted.. nothing. I also restored to before the DVD drive was installed and still nothing. I'm still either getting nothing when I try to capture or the picture freezes after a second and no frames are captured.
please help me!

Nick Weeks February 19th, 2006 04:08 PM

Just a shot in the dark but have you tried new and/or updated video drivers?

David J. Payne February 19th, 2006 04:27 PM

do u mean graphics card drivers? I don't see how this would effect it if it was capturing fine before... I'll try this anyway. thanks.

Miguel Lombana February 19th, 2006 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by David Payne
do u mean graphics card drivers? I don't see how this would effect it if it was capturing fine before... I'll try this anyway. thanks.

Good suggestion, you'd be surprized!!!

David J. Payne February 21st, 2006 06:44 AM

removed the old geforce drivers and installed updated ones.. still have the same problem.
Any other ideas before I format this mother?
Does anyone know if a dedicated firewire card would solve the problem as the firewire I use now is on board.

Miguel Lombana February 21st, 2006 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by David Payne
removed the old geforce drivers and installed updated ones.. still have the same problem.
Any other ideas before I format this mother?
Does anyone know if a dedicated firewire card would solve the problem as the firewire I use now is on board.

Dave I have a Sound Blaster Augigy with 1394 onboard as well as an on board 1394 in my Dell and that's not an issue. Hate to say it but you might be at that point.

Dionyssios Chalkias February 21st, 2006 10:23 AM

You did try with a different cable, didn't you?

David J. Payne February 21st, 2006 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by Dionyssios Chalkias
You did try with a different cable, didn't you?

surely this wouldnt be the issue if it starts capturing and freezes after one or two seconds? I will buy another cable now anyway.
Ive been told by a small hobbit man that I have a driver or an IRQ issue? particularly as this started since i installed my latest DVD drive. any views on that?it has just occured to me that when I unplugged the DVD drive I unplugged my old drive that I'd made slave instead of the new drive that I'd made master. I will try this also tonight.
headache time...

David J. Payne February 24th, 2006 03:15 PM

well... nothing worked so i formatted.
now I have another problem here:


:: on the verge of giving up for life!! ::

Patrick King February 24th, 2006 03:26 PM


Are you aware of the Microsoft admitted problem with the 1394b performance being decreased after installation of SP2?

Here is the Knowledgebase article. I've been told to read the article carefully before deciding if their "fix" is sutiable for your system.

That's all I can help you with, so as Microsoft says..."Good Luck with that!"

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