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David J. Payne January 7th, 2006 07:24 PM

premiere slow motion problems
whenever i manually adjust the speed of a clip to say 50%, the resulting playback both in premiere and when exported to a file is choppy and jumpy. Any ideas why this might be? Is it something to do with the 'field order' as I'm sure I read this before
Many thanks

Ed Smith January 8th, 2006 12:58 PM

Hi david,

You need to deinterlace the footage. You should be able to right click on the clip and choose filed options, from there you have different settings to play around with. Hopefully that should help.


Joshua Provost January 9th, 2006 03:53 PM

Yes, it could have something to do with Field Order. Right-click your clip in the project window and choose Interpret Footage. Most DV should be lower field first, unless you're working with something else?

David J. Payne January 9th, 2006 05:37 PM

ahhh worked a treat... a problem that has been giving me trouble for almost a year solved in one single thread.. you people are kings. thanks very much

David J. Payne February 14th, 2006 12:03 PM

i have another question regarding this. Since I have been doing this slow mo works fine as i select 'always deinterlace'. However some footage that is filmed on a cheap DV camcorder and played at full speed in the same piece appears very 'choppy' especially when panning left to right. Its certainly not the normal chop i occasionally see on exported mpegs, its totally unbareable. Could this be anything to do with the fact I have set premiere to always deinterlace? does that mean its deinterlacing this footage when it shouldnt be and this is causing the problem?
enlighten me please!

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