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Marty Hudzik September 23rd, 2014 08:48 AM

Adobe Premiere and AE CC 2014 issues resolved?
Can anybody weigh in on their CC 2014 experiences? I am particularly concerned with the plugin support. I have been using the original CC versions of Premiere and After Effects with an assortment of plugins and I heard horror stories early on with the 2014 CC update. I have held off until now but I am about ready to update and still have reservations about the stability.

Any advise and expertise that you guys can impart...especially regarding plugin support? I really don't want to upgrade only to find out my system becomes unstable.


Darren Levine September 23rd, 2014 10:39 AM

Re: Adobe Premiere and AE CC 2014 issues resolved?
i'd be interested in people's thoughts as well, i've been getting my money's worth out of CS6 and waiting for the bugs/kinks to get worked out of CC. A few folks have told me it's gotten a lot better on the bug front, but more chimes the better.

Marty Hudzik September 23rd, 2014 11:36 AM

Re: Adobe Premiere and AE CC 2014 issues resolved?

I can say without a doubt that the original Creative Cloud versions of Premiere and After Effects are pretty solid for me. Rarely have issues at all, even with a bunch of 3rd party plugins....several just copied over from Adobe CS5.5 installations that I already have.

The concern I have is that I saw a lot of reports back in June when the Creative Cloud 2014 version released and several 3rd party plugin developers released updates due to compatibility issues.

I can update and I believe both the original CC from last year and the new 2014 versions from this year should be able to coexist with minimal issues. I will make a full system backup before I do this of course!

Peter Ferling November 17th, 2014 11:27 PM

Re: Adobe Premiere and AE CC 2014 issues resolved?
Update: Huge issues with CC 2014.1, had to roll back to 2014.0.1. Completely unstable as of current use. I browse the forums and continue to see the same issues with users having to roll back. I'm waiting for .2 release.

A year later and I still keep CS6 on-board for a couple of reasons, Flash and DVD. No reason to dump it, but I have great results with dynamic interoperability between PPro and AE CC up to 2014.0.1.

Andy Wilkinson November 28th, 2014 09:26 AM

Re: Adobe Premiere and AE CC 2014 issues resolved?
IMPORTANT: Engage rant filter before proceeding...

I became a Adobe CC subscriber in October and I have had huge issues with the very latest CC2014.1 on my brand new 8-Core Mac Pro (D700s, 32GBRAM) running last version of Mavericks too - don't even dare try Yosemite!

Completely clean install but very, VERY unstable/frequent crashes...don't touch it with a barge pole until Adobe sorts it out. Good job I have CS6 on my old Mac Pro and rMBP to fall back on, both running last version of Mountain Lion (and it's superbly stable/effective). I also have a very busy client editing schedule at the moment so I needed these CC2014.1 issues like a hole in the head...

The blue typeface (etc.) of the latest CC2014 is also unusable for any extended editing periods too, unless you want major eyestrain. Just try key framing with it....That's (another) nightmare with this CC2014 - bring back yellow!

As Peter indicates, the official Adobe forum on Premier Pro etc. is full of people having major issues right now so read more on there...

Starting to learn FCPX...

Rant over.

Gary Huff November 28th, 2014 12:07 PM

Re: Adobe Premiere and AE CC 2014 issues resolved?

Originally Posted by Andy Wilkinson (Post 1869112)
The blue typeface (etc.) of the latest CC2014 is also unusable for any extended editing periods too, unless you want major eyestrain.

Not my experience. I find it very pleasant. Perhaps there is something wrong with your monitor?

Andy Wilkinson November 28th, 2014 02:51 PM

Re: Adobe Premiere and AE CC 2014 issues resolved?
Nothing wrong with my monitors... Both brand new (and I have to say superb) 27-inch Dell U2713H monitors. I know I am not alone in hating this new "look".

Happy it works for you. Definitely, it does not work for me but each to their own. I'll accept blue...If I REALLY have to.

I just want a stable, usable tool that I can use professionally. That's why I am paying Adobe a monthly subscription, right?

So far, that has not been the case...and from what I have read (unfortunately) I am very far from being alone in my frustration with Adobe over this.

Rob Katz November 30th, 2014 12:04 PM

Re: Adobe Premiere and AE CC 2014 issues resolved?

i have read several thread about premiere pro cc and the mac pro.

maybe this would be helpful:



be well.

smalltalk productions/nyc

Andy Wilkinson November 30th, 2014 04:31 PM

Re: Adobe Premiere and AE CC 2014 issues resolved?
Thanks Rob. I have studied that depressing thread many times - and others like it.

I have a pretty simple setup and I have tried many of the "possible solutions" suggested by Adobe on that and other threads but so far it's not improved anything regarding stability and crashes.

When I get time I will have another go at being an Adobe software beta tester (maybe I should start charging them my normal day rate....) but I have a number of tasks which have higher priority right now!

Gary Huff November 30th, 2014 05:58 PM

Re: Adobe Premiere and AE CC 2014 issues resolved?

Originally Posted by Andy Wilkinson (Post 1869343)
I have a pretty simple setup

What do you mean by a "simple setup" explicitly? What external drives are attached? What 3rd party plugins do you have installed? (both trial and paid)?

Andy Wilkinson December 1st, 2014 05:19 AM

Re: Adobe Premiere and AE CC 2014 issues resolved?

New Mac Pro, 8-Core, D700s, 32GB RAM, 500GB Flash Drive
2 off Dell U2713H Monitors (2560x1440p)
G-Tech G-Speed Studio, the new black unit they do (12TB, 4 Bay Thunderbolt 2 External storage & configured as RAID5, the default, for safety). This is where any media for work in progress projects is (or will be)
Edirol MA-15D speakers


OSX 10.9.5 Mavericks (updated from 10.9.4 that the new Mac Pro arrived with before I installed any NLEs)
New/Clean install of Adobe CC2014.1
New/Clean install of FCPX 10.1.3
New/Clean install of Compressor 4.1.3
New/Clean install of Motion 5.1.2

All software is fully up to date except OSX (no Yosemite for me just yet...)

No plug-ins (yet)

That's it. See simple...

I tried a VERY simple film to "commission" this new system - 2 camera edit (talking head 1-2 shots filmed on both PMW-300 (wide) and C100 (close in) and it struggled, kept crashing (especially when rendering to either 1080p H.264 or Prores 422). Eventually, I managed to get a complete export in Prores without it crashing (after about 20 attempts) and then finished the project (minor amendments that the client then wanted) on my old Mac Pro (running CS6 - simply by overlaying/chopping any changes needed to the Prores file in the timeline).

Busy this next 10 days with other ongoing filming work but will come back to this after that and try and find the best solution...one that at least works!

Paul Ekert December 14th, 2014 09:35 AM

Re: Adobe Premiere and AE CC 2014 issues resolved?
Not much help to you I'm afraid but another happy Premiere Pro CC 2014 (latest version) user here.

I've been using CC since I updated CS6 last year and not seen too many problems. Had a few problems using footage from an EX3, but even that seems to have been sorted now.

I also find the new BLUE work environment easier to use, but I guess it would have been nice if Adobe had offered a choice to users.

I'm a PC user, i7 system on Win7.

Andy Wilkinson December 17th, 2014 03:58 PM

Re: Adobe Premiere and AE CC 2014 issues resolved?
Looks like Adobe have been working on bug fixes with this CC2014.2 update. Not tried it out yet personally - but let's hope successfully.


Long list of fixes in the first post. The second post is well worth reading too.

Apologies for posting a link to another Forum - but it is the official Adobe PP forum and highly relevant information to this particular DVInfo thread.

Gary Huff December 17th, 2014 04:58 PM

Re: Adobe Premiere and AE CC 2014 issues resolved?
Appreciated Andy. I would like to hear what your feedback is with it since you'd had such a nasty time with it on your Mac Pro.

Peter Ferling January 11th, 2015 12:03 AM

Re: Adobe Premiere and AE CC 2014 issues resolved?
Update. 2014.2 is working well. One system required a rebuild. Helped a few folks on the Adobe Forum. Most issues were related to the usual: poorly configured systems, dated drivers and using mismatch versions of the software in dynamic linking.

Overall, I'm impressed.

Andy Wilkinson January 11th, 2015 03:26 AM

Re: Adobe Premiere and AE CC 2014 issues resolved?
Thanks for this info Peter.

I was wondering how 2014.2 was performing as more than a week ago someone posted on the Adobe forum and asked for confirmation from anyone who was NOT having issues issues with it/who thought it was working well on the new Mac Pro....and as yet not one single person had posted a reply!

I may try 2014.2 in anger this coming week - on a simple job to test the water. A new client and they want a simple, essentially minimal edit. Its a 2 cam shoot I'm doing - just a CEO of multinational doing a 30-minute presentation to all the employees in a hi tech factory near Cambridge.

Will post back how I get on with 2014.2 once the edit is delivered.

Peter Ferling January 12th, 2015 10:13 AM

Re: Adobe Premiere and AE CC 2014 issues resolved?
Andy, I have Win 7 machines, and it seems to me that the greater majority of issues are with Mac. Still, how are you going to know unless you try?

My only advice is to finish up and get sign off on any current projects, first. Some things never change. The CC monthly subscription scheme has lulled new editors into constant upgrades that risk breaking systems mid project, losing work/hours and having to roll back in a rush to meet deadlines. Then posting long rants and blaming Adobe for their issues. Nobody wins.

Andy Wilkinson January 12th, 2015 10:29 AM

Re: Adobe Premiere and AE CC 2014 issues resolved?
Yes, yes, I know all those golden rules and follow them religeously! I will try 2014.2 on my new Mac Pro for this particular, simple and stand alone client job. Many of my other current jobs are very involved/long term projects that I can't risk glitches with - so are being completed in CS6 on my old "locked down" Mac Pro and RAID systems.

Will let you all know how I get on.

Andy Wilkinson January 24th, 2015 11:02 AM

Re: Adobe Premiere and AE CC 2014.2 Working Well
I have an update to report - a bit later than I expected.

As it turns out, the US arm of the client I was shooting for week before last decided (at the last minute - literally as I was setting up to shoot) that they wanted all my raw footage sent to another video company for the editing - so that one just became a hand-off job. The client was good enough to pay me for the editing time I never did though, as that's what I was contracted to do, so I'm happy ;-)

Now to the point, it looks like good news with my new Mac Pro running the recent Adobe CC 2014.2 update (for full specs of this system see earlier in this thread).

In the last couple of days, I started editing some 1080p50 AVCHD2 28Mbps footage shot in Barcelona. Everything (so far) has been rock solid, fast and responsive and pretty much a joy to work on. About the only thing I've not liked is trying to keyframe those (near invisible) blue markers and squinting at the blue text - bring back the yellow please Adobe!

It's been like night and day compared to the crash prone 2014.1. The project is far from finished but I've just now rendered out a 10-minute 1080p25 20Mbps H.264 to check it would do that without crashing or any visual artefacts being produced. Again it all now seems to "just work" exactly as it should/as reliably as my old Mac Pro chews through projects with CS6. Phew!!! Project is not heavy in effects but it is a multi-track edit with some colour correction, warp stabiliser on occasional clips etc. etc.

I stress, the ONLY change on my system is the CC update from 2014.1 to 2014.2 and this is only my first foray into trying it out - but so far so good. When I get the chance I'll also throw my more usual PMW-300 XDCAM422/50Mbps (or try XAVC 100Mbps) and C100 AVCHD media into a project and see if this new found stability holds.

Andy Wilkinson January 27th, 2015 05:27 AM

Re: Adobe Premiere and AE CC 2014 - Working Well Still
Just a further quick update - finished editing this 19-minute film this morning. Rendered out all the various HD (and a MPEG2-DVD) formats that the client needs. First time I've actually heard my new Mac Pro's fan kick into more intensive action than it's usual VERY quiet whisper....although the louder fan in my G-Tech G-Speed Studio R Thunderbolt 2 RAID array does tend to drown it out a bit - might look into locating that unit further away - on the end of a much longer TB cable!

Pleased to report there were no glitches anywhere in the final editing, addition of stills and graphics and all the encoding. I did not need to use Audition or AE at all in this project - those will also be tested on the next one, I suspect. So, several frustrating months after I subscribed to Adobe CC, it seems that with 2014.2, at last, I now have Adobe NLE software that works as it should. About time too...Reminder, my system is deliberately held back at Mavericks - Yosemite is not an officially supported Mac OSX yet for Adobe CC.

Still got learning FCPX on my schedule though (looking at Rick Young's excellent FCPX 2nd Edition guide that's been sitting on my desk this last week or two right now).

But before I read that, my next job is to clone my Mac Pro's SSD (using Carbon Copy Cloner) and stick that in the safe/start thinking about locking down this system. I'll then start throwing more new commercial jobs at 2014.2. Before I totally lock it down, I'm also going to update FCPX to 10.1.4 and learn that (with a personal project - recent family holiday stuff initially).

Peter Ferling January 27th, 2015 12:02 PM

Re: Adobe Premiere and AE CC 2014 issues resolved?
Reminder, my system is deliberately held back at Mavericks - Yosemite is not an officially supported Mac OSX yet for Adobe CC.

Lots of truth to having a locked down system, regardless of OS. I have one at CS3 locked into XP when 100% cineform pipeline worked. Another at CS6 on win7 for DVD and legacy. I hate win8, will never touch it and live with win7 until the bitter end. I was working fine all flavors of CC up to 2014.2, and I had to perform a clean install for 2014.1 and again for 2014.2. Too many issues with corrupted DLLs and registry settings. I've ghosted all my systems. When the next update hits, I'll sign off the license, ghost the base system and install the update, clean.

SSD's for system are extremely fast at the risk of hard faults (as I run my machines for day's straight). I lost one after one a month of use! A liteon. Swapped in a Sandisk Extreme and was back in business an hour later -that was two weeks ago. I've since purchased a spinning disk on the ready in case it goes. I'll never use SSDs for RAID. Nothing beats hefty hard drives in an adequately cooled space.

Anyway, I'm also very pleased with 2014.2. Just exported a ten minute 2K MXF program in three different flavors of eye candy, simultaneously in just shy of 12 minutes total, with linked comps -not one hiccup and faster than real-time. It's been months since I've had to stay late, or camp out over the weekend.

Gotta go find some real wood to knock on...

Kevin Monahan February 13th, 2015 06:26 PM

Re: Adobe Premiere and AE CC 2014 - Working Well Still

Originally Posted by Andy Wilkinson (Post 1874916)
Just a further quick update - finished editing this 19-minute film this morning. Rendered out all the various HD (and a MPEG2-DVD) formats that the client needs.

Hi Andy,
Glad to hear it!


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